Albert Einstein said that mathematics could be viewed as “the poetry of logical ideas”.
If you are a lover of mathematics, you should understand what he is trying to express. It holds true to an extent, take any mathematical formula or equation; if you study it, you will find a pattern; every line of the equation looks like lines from a poem.
It conveys that type of emotion; math is comparable to a mysterious box. Inside, it keeps various intriguing realities about maths, however, not everybody can find them.
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Table of Contents
- What is Mathematics?
- Interesting facts about Maths
- “0” in roman numbers
- How old is math?
- It’s much older than you might imagine!
- More about “0”
- Spelling and numbers
- More about spellings
- What’s your birth date?
- Jiffy
- Shuffling of cards
- How many moves are in a game of chess?
- Pentagon
- Dice and maths
- Monkey maths
- Maths and light
- An infinite number of stars and galaxies?
- How old is the earth?
- The greatest mathematician from India!
- Most hated subject
- What comes after a billion?
- Trigonometry
- Pi or Pie?
- All in All
Though math is as essential as life itself, for some individuals it may be the most hated and dull subject in their academic career.
It is impossible to evade Mathematics; one can be fond of math, or despise it, but it cannot be overlooked. It is all-pervasive, and there are counts, models, equations, and calculations everywhere around us, in every molecule in this universe and past it. That’s the reality of the math.
- Math is a beautiful concept – as Plato stated, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and this holds true when it comes to mathematics.
- I find mathematics captivating; it conveys hidden knowledge and awe-inspiring truths about maths. Every number and symbol is an artful addition that makes equations look magnificent. I have a deep appreciation for math and enjoy undertaking various mathematical puzzles – often times this process requires plenty of brain power, nail-biting, and scouring formulas for the answer. The moment I solve a problem gives me an intense sense of satisfaction aptly named “Mathorgasm”.
- Math continually tests, challenges, and empowers you. Additionally, this article will give us insight into some amazing facts about the subject.
We are constantly encountering mathematical concepts and facts on a regular basis, even if they may not be apparent. Below are some fascinating and surprising facts about mathematics that will make you appreciate its complexity and elegance anew.
1. “0” in roman numbers
Roman numerals do not have a symbol for zero (0).
2. How old is math?
The earliest known use of mathematics can be traced back to 3000 BC when the Sumerians in Mesopotamia developed a complex system of metrology that is incredibly interesting.
3. Much older than you think!
Archaeologists have discovered that humans have been using mathematics dating back to 30000 BC, evidenced by markings found on animal bones. This is one of the most astounding facts about mathematics.
4. More about “0”
Zero was first introduced in Mesopotamia around 3 B.C. and in India by the mid-fifth century, which is a hugely important milestone in mathematics.
5. Spelling and numbers
The first time the letter “A” appears in the spelling of numbers is in “one thousand,” which is an incredible mathematical fact considering there are no “A”s from 0 to 999.
6. More about spelling
The spelling of every odd number contains an “E”.
7. What’s your birth date?
One of the most fascinating mathematics facts is that if you have 23 people in a room, there’s a 50% chance that two of them will share the same birthdate.
8. Jiffy
A ‘jiffy’ is an actual unit of time – did you know it’s the same as 1/100th of a second?
9. Shuffling of cards
Not many people are aware of this intriguing mathematical fact: every time a deck of cards is shuffled correctly, the outcome has never occurred in history before.
10. Number of moves in chess?
It is said that there are more than 9 million moves in a chess game, and some noted that the possibilities could be infinite. Aside from intriguing facts in mathematics, it can also be found as part of daily life.
11. Pentagon
The Pentagon, the United States military headquarters designed with five sides to represent its meaning, is an icosagon with 20 sides.
12. Dice and maths
A fascinating mathematical fact that can be seen in everyday life is the total amount when you add opposite sides of a dice always adds up to seven.
13. Monkey maths
Monkeys possess the capacity to count things.
14. Maths and light
An intriguing fact about mathematics is that a light-year is the amount of distance light can travel in one year.
15. an Infinite number of stars and galaxies?
The amazing thing about the mathematical universe is how many stars, galaxies, and other phenomena there are; however, most of our observable universe consists of dark voids or “the great nothingness.”
16. How old is the earth?
The universe is immense, gargantuan, and beyond description. It encompasses an infinite amount of entities and billions or more star systems. There could be 200-400 billion suns, and our planet is around 4.543 billion years in age. That’s a captivating piece of knowledge about mathematics.
17. Greatest mathematician from India!
Despite having almost no formal training in Mathematics, Srinivasa Ramanujan was India’s greatest mathematician.
18. Most hated subject
Despite being the most logical and systematic subject in the world, math is also one of the most disliked subjects among students.
19. What comes after a billion?
Going up beyond millions and billions, we have quadrillions, quintillions, sextillions, septillions, octillions, nonillions, decillions, and undecillions.
20. Trigonometry
An incredible aspect of mathematics is that trigonometry involves analyzing the relations between a triangle’s sides and its angles.
21. Pi or Pie?
An intriguing aspect of mathematics is that when you write the number pi to two decimal places, it reads “pi” – like pie.
These are just a few of the incredible facts related to mathematics.
Mathematics is both robust and straightforward – a solution to seemingly unanswerable questions. Depending on the individual, it can be seen as full of mazes or a way to bliss.
- Without math, there are only possibilities, not certainties.
- Without mathematics, existence is nothing but emptiness.
- It is marvelous to note that, even though many mathematicians have been born and countless formulas discovered, we are still only scratching the surface when it comes to mathematics in our everyday lives.
Maths is an incredibly unique field that allows for beautiful career opportunities; it offers an abundance of certain and absolute mathematical facts.
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