Content writing is a burgeoning billion-dollar global industry with lots of creative and attractive job opportunities. The internet today still runs on content, even as technology
Even with a professional website builder, content is irreplaceable when it comes to having a successful site.
Freelance writing is a highly sought-after job and can be very rewarding. Many writers are now able to make a living from their part-time work. There are plenty of successful freelance writers who have made the transition from part-time to full-time.
Making money from writing without any prior experience is difficult. But is it even possible?
Jumping to 2019, great progress has been made and it is now simpler to find a rewarding freelance writing job.
Without much experience, you can now become a professional faster than ever. If you’re looking to make money from freelance writing, here is a step-by-step guide based on my own experience.
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Here are the Steps to Getting Freelance Writing Jobs for Beginners
Step 1. Starting With Your Own Blog
It doesn’t matter what language you use when you write; you only need to have fundamental writing abilities. Not every composition job is about storytelling.
I started with short articles, where I could freely express my thoughts. Whether it’s something that occurs in your everyday life or a certain topic like technology, films, or television series, you can always choose something that interests you.
This blog can assist you in crafting an answer to match a job request. Be sure to include all the necessary details, as this will help you make your start in this area of writing.
Step 2. Guest Blogging
To market your writing ability, try writing for other sites that allow guest blogging. If you continue doing this, it’s likely you’ll eventually find a full-time writing job.
Writing guest posts is an effective way to build a portfolio as a freelance writer.
Step 3. Sign Up For Content Marketing Sites
You can build an author profile on sites like Medium or Contently and begin publishing articles and blogs. This is a great opportunity for up-and-coming writers to refine their craft and get noticed. Once you register, you’ll be ready to start submitting your work!
If you write on these platforms, you have the opportunity to reach a larger audience. You may even get a job offer as I did.
A story I wrote about how the commercialization of storytelling is negatively affecting Indie cinema earned me a weekly job writing movie reviews.
Step 4. Choosing Your Topics
When it comes to blogs, the emphasis is placed on educating people about a certain topic. Being mindful of what readers are looking for is paramount.
The purpose should be instructional instead of descriptive. As an example, coming up with an article like “10 Tips On How To Start A Cellphone Repairing Shop” gives people the information they need to begin their own business in cell phone repair.
When discussing this subject, be succinct; the reader only wants to know what they need to open a shop, not read a long-winded piece about smartphone production.
Step 5. Marketing Yourself
To make your work known, start spreading it around. Make a Facebook page or an Instagram account to get your own blog. Put out all of your most recent blogs and articles on those accounts.
Don’t use the platform to directly advertise your business, rather view it as a place where you can express your ideas.
Reach out to others and get their opinion on your writing, and use that feedback to make improvements.
Step 7. Understanding The ‘Writing Job’
It took me roughly a year to start earning money from writing. Once I had written 100 blogs and a few guest posts, I was able to secure steady work. Self-promotion helped me land that job.
Gaining independence in your career helps you get a better understanding of your goals.
Freelance writing covers a wide range of topics, including but not limited to blogs, articles, product listings, reviews, press releases, classifieds, and social media posts.
As a content writer, you’ll be serving a wide range of customers. Every project offers a chance to explore something new.
Step 8. Finding A Freelance Job
Begin making contact with different websites. Opportunities within the online world exist for freelance content writers as well. Platforms like Fiverr and Upwork provide access to contacts regarding various writing tasks. You can develop your budget calculation and acquire a project promptly.
To find freelance writing work, you can also send resumes using Cold Pitching – pitching your abilities to companies that aren’t actively hiring freelancers.
Present a great idea that could help the company increase profits or readership, even if they don’t need a writer.
Look for websites with a blog section and contact them through the ‘Contact Us tab to offer your writing services and include samples of your work.
Step 9. Different Writing Jobs
Not simply blogs can be written. One may begin with copywriting or writing specialized product details. Businesses regularly pursue imaginative writers for quotations, email marketing content, video substance, and more. Anybody can be worked for and recompensed for every undertaking one completes.
Content creation requires exploring a variety of topics instead of just focusing on one area. Don’t be afraid to try something new in your writing.
Step 10. Keep Yourself Updated
High-quality content will remain in perpetuity, even if technology continues to develop. Remain apprised of new developments. If you don’t try different things with your content writing, it may become tedious over time. Step out of your comfort zone.
The demand for freelance content writing is rising, as companies switch to online platforms and need writers to create content.
To be a successful freelance writer, you must dedicate yourself and adhere to the guidelines. Those who have the determination and skill can make it in this field even without experience. If you’re talented, you’ll stay in the game!
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