Tamil Nadu has the largest service sector in India. It is also one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. Agriculture accounts for less than 20% of the GDP in the Indian states, followed by services (45%) and then industry (34%).
The state has a large number of industrial estates and industrial zones which provide a wide range of facilities for industry. The state ranks first among states in terms of economic freedom.
Agriculture, automotive, metalworking, textiles, electricity, fireworks, mining, chemical, pharmaceuticals, engineering, construction, and transport industries are some of the sectors where there is huge scope for investment.
Tamil Nadu has the highest number of SMEs in India. We intend to explore some of the most profitable small businesses in Tamil Nadu.
Top 10 Small Business Ideas in Tamil Nadu
#1. Agriculture-Related Business
Rice, Howard, and ragi are the main crop grown in Tamil Nadu. Other important agricultural products include cotton, sugar cane, tea, and coconuts.
Tamil Nadu has also made significant progress in the horticulture industry. If you have vacant lands in Tamil Nadu, starting a horticulture-related business can be lucrative for you.
#2. Auto-body Store
Tamil Nadu has automobile factories, railway carriages, tanks, tractors, motorcycles, and heavy vehicles to shipyards. Auto-repair shops with associated service centers are among the most lucrative ventures in Tamil Nadu.
The automobile repair shop is providing various types of automotive repairs and maintenance including car painting, collision repair, and tire replacement. It has been expanding its service range by offering additional products and equipment for the convenience of customers. Its expansion plan includes opening stores in different countries.
#3. Consulting Business
Tamil Nadu is the largest producer of software products in India. It has one of the fastest-growing IT sectors in the country.
Consulting services can be a profitable business anywhere in the U.S., but they’re especially lucrative in this region.
#4. Graphic Design Service
Graphic design services are among the best business ideas in India for people who want to set up their own businesses at home without any investment. A good understanding of design and marketing is essential.
#5. Leather Garment Manufacturing
There are hundreds of tanneries located in Tamil Nadu near Vellore and its neighboring towns, including Ranipet, Ambur, and Vaniyamabadi. The state has 70% of the country’s tanneries and 38% of the country‘s footwear and components.
A young woman who has worked with fabrics and sewing for several years could open up her own clothing store specializing in fabric and sewing supplies.
#6. Start a Nail Salon
Owning a nail salon business can certainly be fun and lucrative. You can operate the service from a home-based office while providing services on a mobile basis. Both male and female clients appreciate receiving professional pedicures and manicures.
#7. Medical Tourism
Since ancient times, Tamil Nadu has always been known as a center for tourism. Recently, the state has become a major destination for both domestic and international tourists.
With affordable and high-quality tertiary medical facilities available in Chennai, Madras, Coimbatore, and Vellore, the state of Tamil Nadu has the highest number of medical tourists in India. Medical travel companies are helping patients get the best treatment at the lowest cost by making sure they choose the right place with the right service.
Medical tourists travel abroad for treatment instead of going through their own country’s healthcare system.
#8. Oil and Gas Business
TEDA promotes renewable energies and encourages people to use less electricity. It has largely been responsible for the tremendous growth of Tamilnadu in the development of wind power. As long as you’re willing to invest some time and effort, there’s no reason why you cannot open an oil and gas company in Tamil Nadu.
#9. Start a Poultry Farming Business
Animal husbandry has been growing at an impressive rate in Tamil Nadu since the early 1990s. It provides jobs for a large number of small farmers and landless agricultural workers and raises their economic status.
The state government is also encouraging the poultry farming business. Poultry farming worldwide is transforming into a techno-commercial business from the status of backyard farming for nearly thirty years. Poultry farming is one of the fastest-growing sectors in agriculture and farming enterprises across the globe. Read More…
#10. Transportation Business
Transport infrastructure plays a major role in attracting investments into a region. However, the transport infrastructure needs to be improved if we want to attract more investors.
With the increasing demand for different types of services related to the modern lifestyle, new startups in the transport sector have been emerging at a rapid pace. One of the best ways to start up a successful venture is by providing various kinds of transportation facilities.
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