Is your business looking to cut down on costs post-pandemic? If yes, you can consider using a virtual showroom that can replace expensive marketing. What’s more, is that it can lead to a higher marketing ROI with its engaging experience.
Introducing Virtual Showrooms by VirtuLab
Virtual Showrooms are a new marketing technology that can display your products in a 3D simulated environment with a 360-degrees immersive experience. If you have B2B & B2C brands, you will surely find these showrooms useful.
The Key Features of a Virtual Showroom
A Virtual Showroom, led by Virtulab, is a digitally simulated environment that looks just like a real setup. The designs are fully customizable as per the brand’s needs.
The showrooms can also have any theme ranging from a standard corporate look or being set up in the middle of an ocean or in outer space.
3D product models
3D product models can be displayed in such showrooms. These create an engaging user experience as the visitor can interact with the 3d model. They can rotate the product from all angles or zoom in, zoom out – leading to a better understanding of the product.
Augmented Reality
It has Augmented Reality which can also be enabled through which visitors can place the 3D product into their own environment.
Virtual Host
Virtulab has a Virtual Host who can explain the products to the visitors. This makes it more interesting than having to read a product description.
You can also access multimedia tools such as AV screens, image albums, videos, and downloadable PDFs are also available at a single click.
Visitors can also connect with the showroom team with a single click. Be it via live chat agents, chatbots, or forms to request a callback – there are several options to capture a visitor’s inquiry or lead
These showrooms are full of exciting features and are 100% customizable to the Brand’s needs.
Why Choose Virtulab
Indeed, Virtulab has been in its 15-year expertise and beyond of providing globally competitive services from their studio in Mumbai, India to leading corporates and small to medium enterprises across continents.
Have more customers reach you without much sweat and costs with Virtulab. You can find out more about this technology & also check out some examples on
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