Whether you have invented something of your own or going to run a readily available business idea, you simply cannot move forward without people. No matter how good you are as a CEO or a company founder, it’s actually the team that moves things forward in harmony.
The more satisfied workers you have in your organization, the more growth they will bring in and so it is crucial to engage them in a way that motivates them more and lets them feel valuable to the organization.
Employee satisfaction surveys in this regard are the great way to help management build positive employee relations and a positive work environment. To ensure employee productivity, it is important to have insights of employee attitudes, passion factors, loyalty as well as workplace climate and competitive intelligence. Measuring these key indicators along with some more factors can make a huge difference for employee retention, satisfaction, and of course the productivity.
VibeCatch is an efficient way for companies of any size to measure employee engagement via mini polls. Let it be a simple poll on job satisfaction, an advance poll for team cooperation or something specific for personal development, you can set up a survey in no time.
It takes only a minute to set up a survey and needs a few seconds of your employees to answer the same. With dozens of ready made polls and questions for VibeCatch makes employee satisfaction surveys simple and quick.
VibeCatch in Their Own Words:
Employee engagement is becoming an increasingly important topic. Employers want increasingly flexible and organic ways to connect with their staff. There’s a generational shift in big legacy corporations away from conducting laborious annual surveys of their workforce, to adopting a much lighter approach to staff management and wellbeing. With VibeCatch, we give companies big and small, the tools to engage continuously with their staff in a modern way.
What Brings VibeCatch to the Spotlight:
VibeCatch is simple in comparison to others, so anyone can create a questionnaire and react to the results.
VibeCatch Website: https://vibecatch.com/