We spend a great deal of time in seeking answers for various questions that crop up in our daily lives. These questions can be from diverse fields including general, geographic, scientific, political affairs, current topics and many more.
As we cannot expect an individual or a program to know all the answers, the expert knowledge of specific fields can be gathered only with proper routing of questions.
Vectr is a Q&A app for Android and iOS which provides users with the answers that they are looking for. It’s not just a Q&A app, but an intellectual network where users can get answers right from the experts. A user can post a question on any topic and the app routes it to an expert in that field, who answers the questions accordingly.
This app is a wonderful platform to use shared knowledge. The app comes with some brilliant ephemerality and anonymity features so that the users are comfortable in asking questions or giving answers.
Unlike other platforms where questions and their answers are public, you can set your own privacy with Vectr. So, if you ever felt embarrassed to ask a question in public or lack expert answer to your questions, you must try this app and see the difference.
Since any user can become an expert too, it’s great option for small and micro business owners too. Simply by answering relevant queries they can empower their brand with more trust and user engagement!
Vectr in Their Own Words:
Vectr is an anonymous Q&A app for Android and iOS. The app allows the user to ask a question in any topic and the backend algorithm then routes it to the best expert in that field. Each user is also an expert and answers questions accordingly.
Vectr makes people more informed by providing them with quality expert-driven information. Vectr makes people more connected by allowing them to share their own curated knowledge real-time. Vectr makes people more empowered through the anonymity and ephemerality of the app allowing them to feel comfortable pursuing ideas in a private setting.
What Brings Vectr to the Spotlight:
The intellectual network in your pocket!
Vectr Website: https://www.vectrapp.com