Search engine optimization is the process of making your site easier for search engines to find.
Yes, the definition sounds simple, but the process not so much. We hope that is why you are here, though.
To learn a little more about how to improve the SEO of your business webpages. With 63% of online experiences beginning with a search engine, SEO is not something to overlook.
By the end of this article, you should have a better idea of which direction you need to improve your website’s overall SEO.
Three Basic Types of SEO
Naturally, it will feel daunting when first learning the basics of SEO. The technical aspects behind how search engines crawl the web to locate and index your webpages are already a separate subject to learn in itself.
We want to make sure you begin your SEO education with the most important SEO basics needed to see better web traffic results.
Let’s say that no one becomes an expert in SEO overnight. Here are three of the most important types of SEO for your business right now.
1. On-Page SEO
This type of SEO is concerned with the content of an actual webpage itself. This is how you format the webpage you are publishing. This may involve how you layout titles, texts, and images to allow web search crawlers to find and index your pages accordingly.
2. Off-Page SEO
This form of SEO revolves around the promotion of your business website and its relevant domain authority.
You gain domain authority by creating links to existing web content while simultaneously having other businesses link to your web content. Google and other search engines rank business websites with greater authority, higher in their search engine results.
3. Local SEO
If you have a website and you want clients to visit your local business, then you need to optimize your website for local SEO.
It is a fact that leads from local searches have higher conversion rate. Local searches provide people in your area with the information they need about a product or service they can access nearby to their physical location.
The Benefits of SEO for Your Business Website
Organic search engine traffic now accounts for just over 53% of all search engine traffic generated across all industries.
This means that 53% of all web users who access the internet using a search engine to enter a search query they have in mind.
You are losing valuable organic traffic to your website when you neglect to optimize your web pages, social media, blog, and other web content.
Look for Help With SEO Service Options
You don’t have to go it alone when starting to optimize your business’s online content for search engines. Many companies like Moz and Ahrefs provide free education on SEO and customizable software solutions to manage SEO for better web page and content results.
We hope that this article helped you better understand how SEO affects how customers and clients find your business on the web.
Let us know what you thought about the article below, and we will be back soon with some more content for your business needs.
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