Each year, fresh styles and new elements emerge to make the websites look attractive and stylish. When you incorporate a few elements thoughtfully, it will help your site to draw a big picture of your company and say stories to your audience.
These elements play a vital role in enhancing the quality of the content when your site is displayed a mobile device or on PCs. Even though it is not important to add every trendy aspect while designing your site, these elements can promote user experience when they visit your company website.
There are many elements for you to choose from, out of which the important ones have been listed out for you.
1- Limited Color Palette
When your website is based on a strong color palette with limited shades, it will help in creating cohesiveness among the aspects of your site. When you have a color palette consisting of both secondary and primary shades, it will be easier to create stunning elements for your site. Avoid adding a lot of colors while designing your site, as it can be distracting for the visitor.
So, choose two to three colors for designing a site, as it is one of the essential elements of web design. Having a single background color along with a single primary accent color can do wonders for your site. Experiment with various tints and shades to make each page look very creative and special.
2- White Space
Adding a lot of white space has become a significant element of modern websites, as this space doubles up as the buffer for other elements in the page, such as margins, sidebar and so on. Adding more white space to your pages will create a clean and organized look and can catch your visitor’s eye directly without any distraction. Having a website with space will offer it a minimalistic look and help the readers navigate through other pages easily.
3- Relevant CTAs
Incorporating relevant call to action feature in your web design will help you collect the details of your page visitors, which would be useful for staying in touch with them through emails and free product forms. Such activities will help in changing a lead in to potential customers.
Make sure that you add relevant CTAs in the right places of your site, such as in the resources page, in the sidebars of the pages and at the last line of your blog posts. Ideally, there should be at least one call to action above the fold, one in the middle of the page and one at the end. You can always think of various ways to incorporate CTAs, i.e. by offering a free trial or some discount.
4- Speed Optimization
Speed optimization has emerged as a significant design element, which should not be ignored. If your site is slow, then it can create a negative impression of your brand among your clients and leads. Make sure that all the photos on your site, no matter big or small is optimized, have compressed files to open quickly, reduce HTTP requests and select the right hosting options like the dedicated server hosting, VPS hosting or shared hosting to improve user experience and have a fully functional business website.
The Bottom Line:
Every business, big or small, must have a professional website in order to convert their visitors into customers. The above four elements are the most important ones that you must not ignore, but there is always a room for improvement. In a nut shell, you should make sure that your business website design and content is simple and unique, faster to load and clutter free. And yes, more importantly, the products and services are showcased well, the website is mobile friendly and contact details easily visible.