If done correctly, owning and operating a golf course can be quite a profitable business, and there are ways to increase the amount of cash flow that even a struggling golf course has.
The best way to increase the cash flow isn’t always to reduce expenses but to generate more income and more profits. Listed below are the top 10 small business ideas that will help a golf course bring in more green in 2023.
1. Sell Customized Merchandise
Selling customized merchandise will serve two main functions. First, it will allow customers to buy items that they may have forgotten at home or that they want to wear because they really love the golf course.
The second function is that once they have been sold, they act as advertising. Whether a person is wearing a hat, or t-shirt, using a golf bag, or whatever the item may be, it is free advertising for your course whenever they wear it.
2. Create an eBook
Instead of going to a library, people are much more likely to go online to find lessons or instructions on how to master particular skills. The eBook you create could include not only golf tips but also specific tips and details about your golf course.
3. Create a mini-golf course
Mini-golf courses are becoming quite popular and would be relatively easy to create near the entrance of the existing golf course. The mini-golf would draw in young people to pay for and play mini-golf, and it would also cause them to think of your course when they are trying to decide where to go golfing if they do so in the future.
4. Open a golf school
If you have the time to develop a program and have staff who would make good instructors, a golf school can be a great small business. Many people take up golf and have no idea what they are doing and just learn as they go. More knowledgable golfers mean more long term golfers. Teach them how to play today, and you can count on them for years to come.
5. Sports Bar
This is one of the most popular and well known small business ideas for a golf course. Many people who enjoy golf really enjoy sports overall. Having a place where your customers can hang out and watch sports and grab some drinks and food is a great way to bring in more revenue.
6. Individual Coaching
Those who golf a lot are always looking to improve their golf game. At times, players will go through slumps or seem to plateau and seek out ways to improve their overall game. Having a golf coach available will encourage those people to utilize that resource.
7. Open an Online Store
An online store could include items such as discounted merchandise, an eBook, video lessons, and promotions for upcoming events for your golf course. An online store is a great way to access customers who don’t come to the golf course that often but still love golf. Teaming up with a golf course marketing partner can help with the transition to e-commerce for those who aren’t especially tech-savvy.
8. Open a Virtual Golf Course
Virtual driving ranges are becoming more and more popular as the upcoming generations have grown up with various forms of technology. A virtual golf course could be great to keep customers coming in during the slower months of the year when the weather outdoors isn’t as favorable.
9. Sell Advertising
Depending on the number of customers you have, local businesses may be really interested in advertising at your golf course if you reach out to them. This wouldn’t take much work because once the advertisements have been created and set in place, they don’t really require any maintenance
10. Create a Driving Range
If your golf course doesn’t already have one, create a driving range. Driving is considered to be the “sexy” part of golf, and everyone really enjoys it. Beginners and experts alike would be sure to utilize a driving range if available.
There is a countless amount of small business ideas that you could explore when thinking of ways to generate more income at your golf course. Listed above are the top 10 ideas that are quite popular. Keep in mind that any small business is difficult to start and will require a lot of hard work, but in the end, it will be worth it.