Ask yourself: is it common knowledge to know that school does not prepare you for the real world?
Sure, you can get a good degree, find a decent paying job, work until you retire, and then retire to enjoy the life you’ve deferred for 40+ years. However, that may not prove to be a successful life, a secure life, a financially sound life. A lot will depend on your outlook and your goal. It is important to know this: College does not totally prepare you for achieving wealth or becoming an entrepreneur and it downright fails you at teaching you the basics of being successful.
This article helps you identify courses which are the most relevant and helpful to you as a person hoping to become successful and rich.
1. Marketing
If you intend on making a living from selling something (which, incidentally, is how any business makes money), then you must learn how to find the right product and sell it in the right ways. Marketing is not all about selling. However, it helps you learn how to promote certain products and services. By taking Marketing, you can understand the process and figure out what your consumers want, where your consumers are located and focus on a product (s) that satisfies your consumers’ desires.
All too often, products fail because their creators do not bother to learn whether a market existed for that product. This process involves research and time, but, in the end, it can save a business thousands, if not millions, of dollars.
2. Logic
Logic is very useful because it can be used for any and every career or academic field. Logic courses can be taken within a school’s philosophy department because it is designed to sharpen your thinking and analytic skills. Taking logic, which teaches you to construct valid arguments, can be a strong determinant of one’s projected score on the LSAT, as well as one’s potential in careers such as law or computer science.
3. Economics
Economics courses will help you develop your understanding of economics and gives you insights into social and political issues which will be useful in whatever future career path you take – career wise. Most introductory to microeconomics and macroeconomics courses provide you with a sound understand of core, pure and applied economics. You’ll employ ideas and techniques from various other disciplines and will benefit you in your future career endeavors – as you will be extremely qualified at the time of graduation.
4. Statistics
Everyone who is in a management position and is in the position of responsibility to look at data should take an elementary statistics class. Not only do business managers look at data, but so also do political leaders and non-profit executives. A good statistics class will help the student comfortably pushing numbers around and stay away from false interpretations.
5. Introduction to Law
We’re not all meant to be lawyers and we’re not all going to end uop law school, but it’s good to understand the basic terminology and process of the legal system in your country. Knowing legal basics can help you stay out of a lot of trouble down the road or maybe buy a house. It’s best to know your rights and the legal system and to play within it.
6. Finance
It is tax season and several employees you know are excited to receive a refund check in the mail from the Internal Revenue Service. If you’re excited about receiving a refund check, just like they are, you probably never took a finance course and have not learned the in and outs of income taxes. Receiving a refund is a way for you to lose money. The government has withheld money from your paychecks and held that money for a year without paying you any interest. It’s like giving someone an interest-free loan. Thus, your money sat in the government’s hand and lost value for all that time. You can prevent this from happening to you by taking the right courses.
7. World Geography
I admit that Geography is a boring subject. The department of education does not mandarte world geography to be taught in schools. Many students who come out of high school do not know much outside of the scope of their state or the surrounding areas. If you asked someone down south what is the capital of Canada, most of them would not be able to tell you this.
A report by the National Assessment of Educational Progress found only about one-fourth of American students are proficient in geography. Twenty-one percent of fourth grade students, 27% of eighth graders and just 20% of 12th grade students performed at or above the proficient level on the 2010 geography assessment, according to Reuters.
8. Creative Writing
Succeeding as an entrepreneur requires that you be able to express yourself and your ideas. Whether it involves pitching an idea to an investor, writing a press release, or composing a business plan, entrepreneurs need to communicate both orally and in written English language. More often than not, this communication is done in writing. Basic composition and grammar skills can do wonders for your ability to convey your ideas and your mindset.
9. Parenting
Anyone and just about everyone can benefit from a course on parenting – including guys. Mostly women take these courses, but guys could spruce up on some life skills and this course will teach it all .
10. History
History should be studied because it is important for individuals and to society. There are many ways to discuss the real functions of the subject—as there are many different historical talents and many different paths to historical meaning.
In essence, history helps us understand people and society and how they interact. In the first place, history offers a storehouse of information about how people and societies behave. Understanding the way of people and societies operate is not an easy task, though a number of disciplines make the attempt. An exclusive reliance on current data would needlessly handicap our efforts. How can we evaluate war if the nation is at peace—unless we use historical materials? How can we understand genius, the influence of technological innovation, or the role that beliefs play in shaping family life, if we don’t use what we know about experiences in the past? Some social scientists attempt to formulate assumptions and theories about human behavior.