As more and more consumers discover the convenience of online shopping, the digital retail industry is experiencing a boom that has resulted in a brand new sector emerging, and third party logistics, or 3PL, as it is known in the trade, has become a necessity for successful online retailers. The definition of Third Party Logistics is the combination of warehousing, sorting, and delivering consumer goods, and from an online retailer’s perspective, this is an invaluable service.
Dynamic Environment
The retailer experiences highs and lows, and seasonal surges demand a flexible solution, which means the 3PL provider is able to scale up or down at any time. This ability to operate according to client needs enables the third party to provide a much needed service, which is tailored to your needs. The retail industry is unpredictable at the best of times, and with seasonal surges sometimes exceeding your expectations, it is comforting to have a logistics partner who can turn up or down as required. If you happen to be looking for 3PL Sydney companies offer, there is an established provider with an impressive 10-year record in the industry, making them market leaders in this growing sector.
For any retailer, ensuring a high level of reliability is an absolute must. No matter how well priced your goods are, inefficient delivery will spell disaster, as the online consumer expects nothing less than speedy delivery. This area of the business is often the downfall of the fast emerging online retailer, and although they might have a very extensive inventory and a smooth shopping cart site with lower than retail prices, if they can’t make the cost effective delivery in time, the only way is down.
Working to Specifications
The ideal 3PL provider will implement the client’s policies to the letter, and with an efficient administration system, any sudden changes, like a price reduction, would be instantly implemented at the packaging stage. The retailer has the ability to alter anything at any time, and they would typically deal with a single project manager, who liaises with all departments to ensure a smooth process. It would be his or her role to ensure that packaging and labeling supplies are always adequate, and all packing is carried out to a set standard.
Quality Control
If you have a third party contractor who is packaging and distributing to all of your customers, then let’s be honest, you really are going out on a limb. Should the 3PL provider fail dismally, your business could suffer a fatal blow. If you are looking to build an online empire, make sure your logistics partner has a solid reputation within the industry, and one indicator is a QC department, which ensures that all goods are dispatched according to the client’s specifications.
An Essential Partner
Simply put, an online retailer who gets it right with their marketing, faces a serious logistical challenge, and with the right 3PL provider, they can concentrate on providing a smooth purchasing experience for the consumer, while their logistics partner handles the rest.
If your business could do with some help in the logistics side, an online search should get the ball rolling, and once you have made contact, they can begin to gear up for the expected boom that your marketing campaign will produce.