There are some facts that new truck drivers should be aware of. This information is not intended to make you reconsider a career as a truck driver. Its purpose is to arm you with accurate information and knowledge for the crucial first year of your brand-new truck driving career.
We could like to connect in particular with new truck drivers and others just starting out in the trucking business. This information can be useful to you if you recently completed your CDL training or are still working toward finishing your CDL training programme. You can also search online trucking companies by state while looking for trucking job.
1. Stress is a Part of Job
A career in trucking will inevitably include stress. Stress comes from being stuck in traffic, from being lost downtown while trying to find a specific location, and from being in traffic.
Stress among truck drivers is an actual issue. One of the industries in America with the highest levels of stress, according to a report, is truck driving. We were quite shocked to learn that truck driving received a higher stress rating than jobs in masonry, welding, and the food industry.
Any truck driver who is asked how difficult their job is will typically respond, “It depends on the day.” Truckers must be fast to think on their feet to plan routes and take action to (safely) avoid these delays because there are so many factors that might cause a typical pick-up or drayage drop-off to cause a delay. And that undoubtedly makes things stressful.
2. Truck Driver Pay
Drivers might begin working alone as they gain experience. Then, they frequently transport larger shipments and cover greater distances in less time. Drivers that are more efficient, dependable, and skilled frequently earn more money. Truck drivers in the US make an average of $20.50 per hour, or $42,500 annually.
The majority of truck driving professions base pay on distance travelled. Although some drivers are paid hourly, compensation is often based on the number of miles driven. Some firms reimburse employees for the actual kilometres driven or the distance travelled while working.
Others utilise paid miles, which is the straight-line distance between two points. That implies that regardless of the path you choose, you receive the same amount. Trainers and those ready to transport dangerous items or big cargo frequently make more money than the average person. Statista predicts a rise in demand for truck drivers.
3. The Challenges of Being a Truck Driver
Truck drivers travel great distances and spend a lot of time on the road. A lot of drivers go 500 miles every day and are alone for long periods of time. Before they move, they might have to wait for staff personnel to load and unload their trucks. Truck drivers that are compensated per mile do not receive additional compensation for the three to four hours it may take to complete this operation. Sleeping in their vehicles while away from home is a common practise for truck drivers. They might spend a lot of money on unhealthy fast food and snacks as they lack access to a kitchen.
4. The Benefits of Being a Truck Driver
You can travel the nation and interact with a diverse range of individuals as a truck driver. You could potentially take a shorter, localised path. You can drive as a team with someone else if you’d like some company. Most contemporary vehicles have excellent ergonomics and comfort, and some even have a mini-fridge or an electric cooler. You won’t have to stop for eating as frequently and you may bring a variety of snacks and drinks with you.
Although a job in trucking can be quite stressful, it can also allow you to travel extensively and enjoy the open road.
It is simple to begin a career in trucking because obtaining a CDL just takes three to four weeks. Additionally, truck drivers are in high demand, making it easier to get to work. Many firms provide retirement benefits like a 401(k), dental insurance, and health insurance. Many businesses allow you to travel with a pet. Many truck drivers eventually start their own enterprises as owner-operators.