In business it is not just your product or service that draws people in, it is your image, your culture, your reputation and so much more. When thinking about your business plan, marketing should always be in the forefront of your mind. In a time where there’s never been more competition you need to make yourself stand out and be remembered.
While digital marketing is a great tool to target readers and easily share your information, traditional marketing tools like promotional products are better at engaging people and creating long lasting connections. Understanding human nature and the psychology of marketing is as important as the product you sell.
Physical marketing comes into two main categories:
1- Direct advertising
There are many ways to advertise your business directly, that will place your business information literally in front of your clients. You can utilise your creative skills in crafting the image and message you wish to portray, starting with a memorable logo and professional design. There are many companies these days that can assist you with your business image for a minimal cost.
It is worth soliciting professional help to find something that works best to promote your business, as they will have the knowledge to create a visual and psychological edge. By carefully choosing the advertising tool that best suits the needs of your clients, you can reach the widest audience with the least outlay.
Think about options like banners, printed logos around your office, informative posters, brochures and business cards. Having all your information easily accessible online is important, but by physically putting advertising in your client’s hand, and having them want to read it and hold on to it is priceless.
Mail drops, trade shows, free samples and billboards are all great methods of getting the same message out, depending on your budget, product type and targeted audience.
2- Gifts
It has been proven that people are more likely to do business with you once an exchange has taken place, therefore promotional products are a great way of initiating a relationship.
These days there are so many more relevant product options available than a pen, mug or t-shirt. Carefully chosen items that your client and staff will use regularly, that will last long periods of time, and that best reflect your business, are worth investing in. There is an infinite amount of products on the market for you to choose from, you’re limited only by your imagination. By choosing the right promotional products to hand out, and to whom, you have strategically planted a seed into your client’s workplace and home. Things like mouse pads, post it notes, usb ports and mugs are great brand placing for the workplace of clients.
Brainstorm ideas with as many people as possible, gather as much information as you can through surveys and samples to gauge what items appeal to the majority of people, and not just what appeals to yourself. With this advantage you can get the most out of any money you put into products.
Life has changed exponentially in the past two decades; everything we once knew has slowly transformed from the physical world into digital. Yet, human beings have stayed drawn to solid objects, we form our attachments with something concrete, something we can hold in our hand. It is worth investing in this type of hands on advertising that attaches better to our psyche. Utilising our natural instinct to bond to physical objects is a useful marketing tool and an integral part of any promotional business plan.
Analyzing your clients and utilising the most appropriate tools at your disposal you can spread your brand to form lasting connections.