Type 2 diabetes is not inevitably progressive and life-long condition and can be reversed through certain exercises and healthy eating. Though the lifestyle changes are key to manage diabetes, the results depend on various factors, i.e. how long you’ve had the condition, severity, and above all your genes that make you unique.
As we all are unique, there is no one size fits formula to reverse Type 2 diabetes. Our body is a complex set of processes where multiple systems interact with each other and it’s simply not possible for a human to calculate or analyze the data involved in those processes. So, what most of the people do is to follow the “best practices”, because they apparently work for “most people”.
Well, following best practices is not effective solution for everyone; there should be something that is based on accurate readings of your body and suggest the lifestyle changes accordingly and Suggestic is one such solution.
Suggestic is probably the easiest and hassle free option for Type 2 diabetes reversal. All you need to do is to download the Suggestic app and follow the instructions to personalize your program. If available, you will be prompted to upload your genetic and health data for further personalization.
You will receive personalized lifestyle program directly in the app. The program will include recommended changes for diet, activity, sleep, stress management, supplements and more based on your unique requirements.
Follow the program, upload your updated data for continuous improvement and get back to a healthy and active life!
The app is going to be available for download in April this year, however, you can claim your free download simply by singing up on their website!
Suggestic in Their Own Words:
Our Lifestyle GPS app works as a personal assistant to help people with diabetes navigate towards a healthier lifestyle. Whether the user needs suggestions on where and what to eat, snack or cook, or have questions about physical activity, Suggestic is always present to answer those questions and guide the person to make small habit changing choices, one decision at a time.
Based on principles of precision medicine, we have developed a multi-layer personalization system that we apply on top of existing evidence-based lifestyle interventions. To provide the interventions that will prove most effective for each person.
What Brings Suggestic to the Spotlight:
Type 2 diabetes reversal using artificial intelligence
Suggestic Website: http://www.suggestic.com