Substation maintenance is crucial to keeping your station safe. With so much electrical equipment, there’s a high potential for danger if something goes wrong.
How to Take Care Of Your Substation
Because of the surrounding electromagnetic fields, substation owners must maintain very particular cautions and regulations. Doing so keeps your workers and outlying people safe.
But what are those regulations? What are the things you have to do to keep your substation running smoothly?
If that’s what you’re wondering, then good news! You’ve come to the right place. In this brief guide, we’ll walk you through some vital substation care tips to better maintain your station.
Secure the Perimeter
One of the most important steps you can take to ensure substation safety is to secure your perimeter. Preventing against outside threats or tampering is critical to protecting your substation.
Typically, all you need to protect a substation is a perimeter fence. Regulations recommend a fence at least seven feet high. You can use standard fencing material or mix barbed wire in as well.
Monitor the Traffic
In most environments, two types of traffic are likely to pass through. The first is vehicular, and the second is foot traffic. The only foot traffic you should allow in your substation is from workers.
It is safest to cut off any visitor traffic from entering the substation. If this is impossible, then limit visitor traffic to individuals accompanied by authorized personnel.
Vehicle traffic is a little more commonplace. Certain situations, such as repairs or maintenance, may necessitate vehicular traffic. Any vehicle passing through the substation must be low enough to avoid any lines or structures above it.
Prevent Corrosion
One of the most critical steps in substation safety is protecting your equipment. Substations face dangers from rain, hail, and other weather-related risks.
These conditions may cause corrosion or breakage. If you’re looking for a top-notch service to aid with this, try Utility Service & Maintenance, INC.
Final Substation Care Tip: Don’t Store Equipment
In many cases, substations end up becoming unofficial storage units for external equipment. The reasons for this are numerous, but usually, people find it easier to store some frequently-used equipment in the substation.
Increasing the number of items stored in a substation is a bad idea. For one thing, it increases foot traffic as equipment moves in and out of the station. Another problem, though, is that it risks drawing thieves to your substation.
Equipment costs a lot of money, and thieves know where to find a profit. However, in many cases, those potential thieves don’t realize the danger they’re in. They also don’t recognize the problems they can cause when they enter a substation.
You can avoid all of those potential disasters by preventing the storage of unnecessary items.
Provide Safety Training
As you can see, substation care doesn’t have to be complicated. It only requires diligence. If you’re still wondering how to look after a substation, don’t ignore the most crucial thing: train your employees in substation care.
If your employees understand what it takes to look after a substation, your chances of securing it are infinitely better. Find a training course today!
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