Business Process Management (BPM) is the practice of comprehensively modeling, analyzing,
and optimizing processes of this nature to achieve strategic business goals.
Reasons why your Startup Needs a BPM Software
The BPM methodology can be applied to continuous or predictable tasks and processes, or to tasks and processes that tend to be repeated.
A business process is a set of activities that help a business achieve a specific goal. With BPM, you can evaluate business processes to find ways to improve efficiency and reduce costs and errors.
BPM is an ongoing process that can improve over time. With BPM System, you can provide better products and services to your customers by eliminating ad hoc workflow management practices and streamlining business operations.
Reasons why we Need a BPM Software
Improved Efficiency
The orientation to BPM processes enables a more fluid and effective collaboration of the work teams, as well as the monitoring of the use of internal resources. The impact on costs is usually very significant.
Increased Productivity
If your employees have a clear roadmap on what are the functions, tasks, and steps to perform, their execution becomes much easier and faster:
- The standardization of processes and their measurement makes it possible to easily identify those areas in which imbalances or bottlenecks are being generated.
- On the other hand, when employees perceive that their effort has an impact on productivity and the company values it appropriately, the levels of internal satisfaction and talent retention increase.
Increased Agility
The ability of organizations to respond to changes in the market and new customer demands has become a critical factor in today’s competitive environment.
Your company needs flexible tools that allow you to design, deploy and modify processes quickly, and without causing interruptions in daily operations.
The best process management tools enable not only agile management of these but also the rapid modification of pre-established rules, case management, and, of course, the integration and automation of all this in the corporate organization chart.
Complete Monitoring, Visibility, and Transparency
BPM systems enable global monitoring of all activity (BAM). It is possible to automate the preparation and sending of reports to each department head to carry out constant supervision and guarantee maximum visibility and transparency about the\ organization’s processes.
Acceleration of Decision Making
In line with the previous benefit and thanks to BPM, department heads can have information in real-time to make decisions in record time. Increased control over tasks has led to a radical change in collaborative work practices, facilitating meeting deadlines.
Thanks to BPM solutions, companies can easily and quickly incorporate any changes required by current regulations, thus avoiding unnecessary penalties and guaranteeing the legal certainty of the activity.
Formation and Loading of the Knowledge Database
One of the big problems companies faced in the past was the inevitable loss of information when people left the organization.
BPM solutions allow centralizing all information related to customers so that it can be easily consulted with the added advantage that it is fed automatically as a result of the execution of processes (commercial, operational, …).
Thanks to this, your organization’s staff can focus on providing solutions to customers, instead of looking for information from multiple sources, without the assurance that it is up-to-date or untraceable
Consistency in Customer Service
Have you ever received mixed responses from the customer service managers of a company? This is a more common problem than it may seem.
Unfortunately, organizations themselves often lack visibility into these types of errors in customer service, due to deficiencies in internal communication and insufficient information sharing.
Thanks to BPM platforms, all communication with customers can be centralized, ensuring that:
- The multiple people involved in customer service processes have the same information.
- Customers always receive a consistent message and perceive that their requests or complaints are heard, regardless of the change of interlocutor and the channel used.
In short, the functionalities and flexibility of BPM solutions can completely change the productivity ratios of your company. However, it is advisable to have an agile solution, adapted to the organization and, above all, that can be easily used by all employees.
And you have to think exclusively about development, but also about the facilities they provide for agile maintenance, the key to the speed with which business needs evolve.
BPM Implementation, what to take into account?
- Consider building the process by always analyzing it in a general and complete way (from
the beginning to the end of the process, going through all the sub-processes), - Define a neutral team for the creation of the workflow (reducing the risk of conflict of
interest), - Detail as much as possible the definition of the process,
- Adapt it to the size of the company and the characteristics of employees
- And finally, assess the real value of planned changes (changing a procedure should always
take into account the added value for stakeholders).
BPM can only go through the outline of the process in a schematic way, but it becomes more influential in the company’s results when driven by IT (Information Technologies), increasing the impact of its advantages.
In this way, it is advisable for any company, regardless of the business area and its size, to outline its processes according to BPM rules and, when possible, to combine IT with BPM.
The acronym BPM refers to the Business Process Management model, also known as Business Process Management.
It is a set of techniques and methodologies that provides a comprehensive response to the management of the different departments that make up the company, considering the processes themselves as the most important assets of the company
to create value for its customers.
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