According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the amount of power generated by solar power increased from 1.2 gigawatts to 27.4 from 2008 – 2016.
Top 3 Brightest Benefits of Using Solar Energy in Your Home
With this shocking fact in mind, are you sure that you aren’t missing out?
Investing in solar energy for your home can bring tremendous savings to start. As time passes, this technology only puts more money back into your life for new and exciting adventures.
What is solar energy? How does it work? The answer to these questions could change the trajectory of the investment into your property.
If you’re on the fence about making this decision, the top three reasons provided below might make you jump. Continue reading to learn all of the details!
1. Control Your Costs
Depending on where you live, local utility companies may have programs that boost your return on investment. The more electricity that you put back into the power grid, the faster using solar power energy makes sense.
Do you want to know the best part? You also get to reduce your monthly bills along the way. When you have solar electricity to contribute, you could potentially eliminate a lifelong expense.
What kind of impact would eliminating that expense have on your life? The cost of electricity from a West Coast utility like Seattle City Light runs around $0.10 per kWh. Surprisingly, this is not too far off from the national average.
2. Add Value
Using solar energy does more than add some extra padding to the monthly budget. You’re going to add value to the property and make it more appealing to potential buyers.
A report from CNBC states that solar panels can add an average of 4.1% to your home’s value. No matter where you live, having electric power to defend against inflating prices is appealing to anyone.
If your neighbors list their homes at the same time, that gives you leverage. It’s not the same value as having a gold mine, but another 4% against rising housing prices is a good bet for the future.
3. Tax Benefits and Rebates
Depending on where you live, you can receive substantial rebates and even grants for installing solar panels. This benefit can dramatically cut down on how long it takes for your return on investment bus to arrive.
Solar Energy Industries Association expects the solar industry to quadruple over the next decade. While government agencies and utility companies are open to providing incentives today, that could change tomorrow.
Sometimes your contractor will have excellent references to provide and help you get the most out of their installation. Blue Raven Solar is an excellent example of a company that cares about helping its customers understand their options.
Ready for Solar Energy?
Now that you know the top three reasons why solar energy is a solid investment, what should you do now?
Start digging through Google reviews and asking friends for references. You never know who may have a great referral or suggestion.
Did you appreciate the knowledge that you gained about solar energy today? Check out more of our articles with advice from experts around the country!
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