Getting small business loans and grants is one big challenge for almost all entrepreneurs, but for people with disabilities, it’s tougher than normal because they do not have access to the right information.
With better business coaching they can find the better ways, however, this article will discuss some quick creative ways for disabled entrepreneurs to acquire small business grants and raise funding for startups using available options.
1- The best bet is to establish a non-profit and research grants that fit with what services you seek to provide to the betterment of society.
2- A secondary way is to go under the umbrella of approved non-profit and deliver the services under the grant.
3- There are no easy low competitive grants that I am aware of but are some incentive programs for entrepreneurs with disabilities, there are programs to help minorities such as women and certain ethnic minorities but PWD are not considered to be disadvantaged. The way to benefit might be to partner up with a qualified candidate for SBA assistance and government set aside contracts.
4- Also there are some low-income or inner city, rural, energy based and agricultural grants, loans and programs that can help you raise funds for your small business ideas for rural areas.
5- A small amount of start-up program money can be requested from the VR agencies if qualified for services in my experience that usually plateaus at about $3,500 but with advocacy that can in some instances be extended to about $7,500. But this VR funding usually needs to be accounted for and used for equipment and inventory but not as income.
6- If one is qualified for social security disability, a PASS plan can be written for funding.
7- If the concept merits investor interest there are lot of crowdfunding platforms, angel investors and venture capital sources of funding, however, you must know how investors value a startup. Do check this article about highly investable startups and you should be better able to pitch investors rightly.
8- Sourcing capital takes a lot of time and energy and free money is all but non-existent unless it comes from family and friends in my experience.
Money requires a great idea, talent to match and a willingness to either pay it back or give up a percentage of the business.