Online shopping is a need of today’s busy life. But people who are more concerned about latest trends with special offers and discounts, find it hard to stay updated about all what matters to them. By subscribing for multiple merchants’ newsletter, you just end up with a stuffed inbox and you may never get time to research the promotions and filter the best item for you.
Well, in that case, you should try SavelGo; an app to make your online shopping experience just amazing. The platform combines comments, special offers and deal spotting with a simple ‘buy it now’ option that makes shopping fast and easy, and you’ll never again say ‘maybe I could have got that cheaper’.
Browse the photos, news, videos and special deals from your favourite merchants at one place and place your order right away. You can pay online or else you might want to pay in-store.
What makes SavelGo special is that you can get all those awesome offers at one place, simply by following the merchants. Moreover, you can chat in real time with merchants to inquire about the products, promotion details and more.
SavelGo also lets you share your actual experiences, both positive and negative, in order to spread actual consumer-based market wisdom.
On part of merchants, it’s a great platform to target more serious buyers by offering special offers. SavelGo ensures that their exclusive deals are seen and shared by a much larger set of consumers who are actual buyers.
SavelGo in Their Own Words:
If you like online shopping but you’ve an inbox cluttered with unopened promotions, exclusives, deals and offers, or, like many of us, haven’t the time to search, browse, click-through and check forums then you need to download the SavelGo Personal Shopper.
We are the first socially networked shopping and e-commerce app to provide shoppers with a social buying experience.
What Brings SavelGo to the Spotlight:
It’s bridging the gap between online shoppers and merchants more effectively.
SavelGo Website: