When someone begins a new company there are a host of different things to think about. They will range from employing staff to finding works’ premises, choosing the products or services, and marketing and advertising them.
Safety Protocols Every Startup Company Should Enact
Sadly, many people every year receive injuries whilst working. Some cases are even terminal. It’s therefore essential that safety protocols are put in place right from the start.
This is primarily to protect peoples’ health, but it also protects employers from being sued for negligence. We will now consider ten safety protocols that should be established by any new company.
A Vehicle Policy
Employees may be using their own cars or a company car to conduct their daily business.
There may be diggers and bulldozers, or vans, trucks, and lorries to transport goods and equipment. Staff needs to be fully trained on their safe usage. Businesses need to take out insurance policies should there be crashes or other incidents.
If such an event occurs, it may be necessary to involve a car accident lawyer. The professionals at dsslaw.com/car-accident-attorney/ say people can expect to be involved in a car crash between three and four times during their lifetime. Should this occur, attorneys can review the legal case and file the necessary paperwork. They can also tackle insurance companies that are reluctant to payout.
A Health And Safety Policy
If five or more people are working for the business, this must be in writing. It will set out the actions a business will take to prevent accidents from occurring and to protect the employees. This should include a clear intention to provide regular training.
Clarity should also be provided as to what will be done in the event of an incident occurring.
Document Emergency Procedures
This should ensure that everyone would know what to do in the event of a fire. People would know the exit points and the locations of the fire extinguishers and alarms.
Disaster Recovery Plans can also include what to do if there is a power outage or if people will need alternative premises at short notice.
Conduct Regular Risk Assessments
This is where people need to check the entire work premises for the sake of both staff and visitors. Look for loose cables and boxes stored on the top of cabinets.
For construction companies, for example, building sites also require such reviews.
Regularly Check The Equipment
If someone is hurt whilst using faulty machinery, the employers would be vulnerable to negligence claims. For this reason, all electrical items should be regularly assessed and repaired. Anything that is malfunctioning should be removed from use immediately.
Clear usage instructions should be placed near stationary equipment.
Provide Health And Safety Training
This is to ensure that all staff knows how to lift heavy items or to use the work equipment safely. They should fully understand company policy, and be quickly made aware of any changes.
Employees should know they must always raise any safety issues, and be clear on the use of protective clothing and equipment.
Supervise The Staff
Even the most fully-trained employee may become sloppy or reckless whilst working. Not only could they put themself at risk, but other people too.
Supervisors should be overseeing the work regularly and viewing all activities from a risk assessment angle. If someone is afraid for their safety whilst performing a specific task, they should not be forced to do so.
Maintain An Accident Book
It is key that such a book is produced and maintained. It could be audited by external parties. Staff should be urged to record all accidents or injuries that are sustained at work, no matter how small.
Action should immediately be taken to medically assist the employee. Anything external that caused the incident should be swiftly dealt with.
Produce An IT Security Policy
If data security is compromised, people could be at risk of fraud and identity theft.
Staff should be made aware they should not leave their computers unlocked. They should lock away such things as external drives and USB sticks, and never share passwords.
Involve Third Party Companies
No matter how much an employer knows, there will always be areas beyond their expertise. External companies can help with creating Health And Safety policies and conducting risk assessments. They can also advise on the use of protective equipment or employment law.
When a company establishes a full armory of safety protocols, they protect the business and all those connected to it. They are best placed to grow and flourish safely.
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