Driving is one of the few freedoms we have in our daily lives that we can just sit back and enjoy.
Some people love to drive as a way to clear their head, others love the rush of being in control of so much power under them, and others find driving a good way to kill some time, but whatever the reasons are for us loving it, we need to be safe and courteous on the road.
6 Safety Driving Tips to Make You a Better Driver on the Road
There’s a legal obligation known as a duty of care, which essentially means that we have to be aware of the risks of getting in a vehicle and do our best to mitigate them for ourselves and others. This is why safe driving is so important because every action has a reaction out on the road.
Here are 6 simple tips to ensure you are providing that duty of care for all motorists and pedestrians.
1. Follow the Speed Limit
No one will admit that they like to go fast while driving, and it’s understandable, it can feel fun, but it can also be dangerous.
The primary cause of vehicular accidents is speeding, and this Waldorf car accident attorney highlights why it can be so dangerous and so costly for lives and in monetary means to be a speed demon on the road.
It might not be fun to go 25 when you want to go 40, but consider everyone else on the road and be smart.
2. Always Make Your Intentions Clear
Motorists can’t read your mind and know what you’ll do or where you’ll go before you do so you have to make your intentions on the road clear. This is why turn signals are a mandatory thing for any motorist to use.
It’s about more than just letting people know you’ll turn to merge, you need to give them time to react. Similarly, make sure your brake lights and other lights are working so you’re visible to everyone on the road.
3. Keep Calm Under Pressure
If speeding is the primary cause of road accidents, then anger and uncontrolled emotions are also a major factor.
Road rage results in people doing dumb, irrational things out of blind fury, and that puts everyone in jeopardy. It’s not always easy to remain calm when someone cuts you off without a signal, but try to breathe and remain level-headed.
Similarly, crying and non-aggressive emotional outbursts can be equally distracting on the road. Try to listen to more soothing music.
4. Routinely Inspect Your Vehicle
A good car doesn’t make a good driver, but a bad car will always hold back a driver’s ability to get from point A to B safely. Making sure that you routinely inspect your car for damages, leaks, cracks, and improperly operating parts will allow you to handle the road better.
A broken tail light can be the difference between a $100 or a rear-ending that costs $2000. You do the math and figure out which one is worse. Make a routine vehicle check a part of your driver’s risk assessment.
5. Be Alert and Aware of Your Surroundings
Cell phones have made our lives easier in immeasurable ways.
While driving, however, they have the potential to make your life, or another driver, immeasurably worse. Distracted driving as a campaign has grown dramatically because too many people are still glued to their devices when they should be focused on the road.
Being aware and alert to everything going on around you means putting the phone down and/or on silent, keeping the music to a reasonable level, and constantly surveilling ahead, beside, and behind you with your mirrors.
6. Drive According to Conditions
If you live somewhere that is perennially sunny, you’re often in luck that you never really need to prepare for different weather conditions, but those who live in colder climates where it snows, ices, and in places with heavy rainfall, you should always be cautious in bad weather.
Drive slower than normal if you know the traction will be bad, same with visibility. Give other drivers plenty of bumper room so that you don’t have to make split-second decisions.
It’s also never a bad idea to invest in winter tires because they can save you, your car, and another motorist/pedestrian.
Driving isn’t difficult, but it also isn’t a given. You have to earn the right, and from then on out you need to practice your duty of care to provide a safe experience on the road for yourself and everyone, which is why you should adhere to these safety tips.
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