The main problem with most of the mompreneurs is managing home-work balance, but that comes later, and in fact can be solved by the mommy entrepreneur herself to some extent; the actual problem starts at very threshold when a new mom starts feeling being no more entrepreneur mainly because of increased responsibilities all of a sudden along with being physically unfit.
This is a problem not only with mompreneurs but almost all working women and probably the one big reason for which women either end their careers or take a pause.
The problem is very rightly identified by a mompreneur Robin Treasure herself and so she had an idea of wellness coaching for business women and working moms. Startupguys’s spotlight is focusing Robin Treasure’s wellness coaching today because it actually creates value not only to let mompreneurs re-energize, but in fact it’s helping boost the women entrepreneurship.
Robin Treasure’s Wellness Coaching in Her Own Words:
I offer wellness coaching services for purpose-driven businesswomen seeking to revive their energy and resilience so they can enjoy greater success in business and life. I take a comprehensive step-by-step approach that focuses on nutrition but also includes lifestyle and mindset.
What’s Special About Robin Treasure:
Robin’s personal journey of healing, combined with her professional training, offers a non-conventional education and a step-by-step signature system that enables clients to achieve their goals sustainably and enjoyably. Specialties include burnout and adrenal fatigue.
Robin Treasure Website: