Using PPC ads for the first time can be nerve-wracking because it takes a little trial and error.
How to Maximize Your Return on PPC Ads
However, the investment can pay off once you master the advertisement that creates the highest number of conversions. Following a few simple tips can help you improve your ROI and make the most out of your PPC ad budget.
Monitor key statistics for your PPC ads
Knowing how much traffic your PPC ads are getting, and other factors can help you determine what parts of your ad are more successful than others. The sooner you identify a potential problem and fix it, the less money you will potentially waste.
This can be done via PPC software which can help you monitor your statistics when finetuning your ads. It will also help you run reports and figure out ways to make your ads convert at higher rates. Check out this PPC agency software guide for more information on the various platforms available.
Choose the best times to run your ads
Some companies benefit from running ads at certain times of the year. For example, you may want to run an ad for swimsuits right before the summer and during the summer. Having swimsuit ads in the winter would not create as much revenue.
Some ads may also perform better at certain times of the day. If your business has a physical location, running ads during business hours is more beneficial than running them when you’re not open.
Keywords are words you put in the ad information that will be based on what your audience may search for. Your keywords can be set up to match exactly, be broad, or have only one keyword that matches.
It is a good idea to change these features to see which works best for your ads. The same keywords should also be placed in your ad copy and ad landing page. Remain consistent with keywords as this will bring more conversions and clicks.
Track your ads
Never make an ad, assume it is the best one, and move on. Most companies benefit from having several ads running at the same time. You can then track which one is doing the best and change your other ads accordingly.
New combinations with the copy, the colors, and the layout can help you decide which one your audience responds to the most.
Make everything targeted
Like the keywords, the audience and campaigns should be targeted and consistent throughout the ad and the links. Remember that getting someone to click is only the first step. The end goal is to have them use your product or services.
Targeted audiences and targeted landing pages can ensure that your ads are built to last.
Google quality score
When using Google as an ad platform (highly recommended) the AdWords app will give you a quality score of your PPC ad. Google will automatically give the best quality scoring ads higher visibility and top placement.
So, the higher your quality score, the more noticeable you will be to searchers. The quality score will be based on how often people click your ad and how many of those clickers convert.
Negative keywords
Negative keywords are words that are not in your ad and words that you do want certain searchers to use. The most used negative keywords are things like “free” or “cheap.” Most ads are meant to make revenue and create customers, not to give away things for free.
Certain companies may benefit from the word free though, say if you are doing a free trial for a promotion and are making a specific ad campaign about it.
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