Starting a Childcare business is very exciting and rewarding too, however, not everyone can just open a daycare center and start making money.
Daycare Business Requirements
By opening a daycare center you offer parents a secure and educational environment for their children while they are at work, so you must be ready to take big responsibility.
To make sure that you will be fulfilling the responsibilities in the right manner, states compel you to meet some basic requirements to start a business, i.e. licensing, inspection, and so on. There may be slight variations in requirements, but generally, they all are of basic nature.
Follow the Daycare business requirements below to make sure you have everything to get started.
1- Licensing:
Even if plan to open a small-scale daycare center at home, licensing is a must. This license is normally applied for by the owner, is issued exclusively for a single location, and in most cases, must be renewed every year.
2- Location & Safety:
Before you apply for the license, make sure that the location is safe for children from all aspects. Depending upon your state’s local law you may have some restrictions placed on your daycare business if you plan to start a small-scale home-based daycare, i.e. limited number of children, etc.
Before you are given a license, local inspectors may visit the location to make sure that it meets state requirements and local fire and safety regulations as well.
Another way is to invest in a strategic partnership with a local indoor play area like an uptown jungle. This type of partnership can significantly reduce the costs of setting up a full-fledged daycare while putting your business on a faster growth track.
3- Staffing:
Before you start a daycare, you are required to make sure that you have got the background check for all the employees of the daycare. It’s a must before hiring anyone in your daycare to ensure that the person you are hiring will not put the children at the center in danger.
Laws in some states also demand the Child-to-adult ratios must be maintained based on the age of the children being cared for. The ratio may vary, but in general, more workers are required for younger children than older school-aged children.
4- Certifications & Training:
Some states may require only first aid certification or an arranged contact at the local health department, and in others, you may need a list of certifications including child care training courses.
5- Equipment:
Of course, you need certain equipment to entertain children which must be child safe and child accessible. You may also need to have a variety of toys, art supplies, etc, and a relevant person to handle those.
6- Activities Planning:
As daycare centers normally accommodate children of various ages, it’s important to have an activity plan for each age group, i.e. playtimes, nutritious meals, and nap times for younger children.
7- Presentation:
We have already discussed safety which includes cleanliness and hygiene too. Besides that, make sure that all certifications, licenses, and inspection results are hung where parents can easily see them.
A list of policies should also be presented to parents before accepting their children in the daycare. The policies are normally a predefined set of information regarding what activities will exactly be available to the child and what disciplinary actions the center will take if necessary.
8- Accessibility:
A working telephone in the daycare center is a must, so parents can have easy access to their children, being able to visit or take them home as needed.
By fulfilling the above simple requirements, you can start a childcare or daycare center in no time. All you need is to be dedicated and it will work great.