Almost everyone of us has a Gmail account, a hotmail/outlook account and of course our work email! And some have more! Well, having multiple email addresses is a norm, but managing them separately is a hectic job.
Even if you sync them all at one place, most of the emails in your inbox right now don’t have to be there!
Yes, that’s true, more than 90% of emails in our inboxes are those that need to be cleared without ever having to read them. That’s the reason I celebrate “empty inbox”.
Gmail though provides a list of features to keep your priority inbox clean, however, you may end up losing an important email!
This is where you need Goboxi to manage your email accounts, tasks, appointments from one dashboard. The artificial intelligence used in Goboxi brings only important emails to your attention.
Further, the emails can easily be turned into tasks or appointments to make things simpler. And the best point is that it reschedules the tasks and appointments if you had busy day. So no more trouble with the inbox and task management!
And this efficient task management should definitely improve your productivity!
Goboxi works with almost all major email clients and is available for free on web as well as on android!
Goboxi in Their Own Words:
Goboxi is a smart hub with all your email accounts, tasks, and appointments, combined with some machine learning to help you stay on top of everything you need to do.
What Brings Goboxi to the Spotlight:
It lets you stay on top of everything you need to do!
Goboxi Website: