Everyday property worth billions of dollar is being bought, sold, loaned and leased. All the transactions related to property do not only involve exchange of money but also a lot of documents needs to be processed. Due to its brilliant property documentation offerings, Record360 has become the number one choice for individuals and organizations which are dealing with buying and selling of property.
The modern outlook and processes adopted by Record360 will make legal disputes, documentation hassles and damage claims thing of the past.
Irrespective of whether you are sharing, renting, loading or buying property, or even you are into real estate business, Record360 provides you with time stamped, high quality and geo tagged records of property at the time of exchange.
Record360 in their own words:
We offer secure and unbiased asset protection. Using our services, you will be able to access the real time visibility from anywhere on any device. The quick and easy process of documents at the time of exchange makes the buying or selling experience simple and hassle free for the user.
Record360 in spotlight:
Record360 enhances the property exchange process significantly and provides the managers with real-time, actionable asset condition reporting as well as dispute resolution documentation.
Official Website: https://www.record360.com/