Your password is the key to keep your privacy protected on the internet and with the increased use of internet in our lives, staying protected is an essential.
On daily basis we all use number of websites that require us to login and in some cases we have our financial stuff associated with the website too. Using a same password for all the websites is a great way to remember passwords, but on part of security, it’s probably the silliest option.
Ideally, one should use strong password, which includes random characters and is not easily guessable. Websites store your passwords as hash which cannot be cracked during hacking attacks, but modern hackers are smart enough that they use advanced guessing technologies and methods to crack them.
Well, keeping strong passwords and having them available when you need is possible now with Qwertycard, which is a simple way of staying safe online. Available for $4.99 (Includes Royal Mail Standard International Delivery) is probably the most economic way to stay safe online.
QwertyCards in Their Own Words:
The simple plastic card that goes in your wallet for easy to remember strong passwords. Each plastic credit card sized Qwertycard has unique codes printed onto it. A simple three step cypher is then used to generate very strong passwords that are different for every website used. Full details of how the card works can be found on
What Brings QwertyCards to Spotlight:
An easy and cost effective solution to the password problem without relying on software.
QwertyCards Website: