The 2016 White House run is at its peak; the competition where it’s narrowing down by weeks, the common man’s curiosity for “who will” and “who will not” is increasing day by day!
Trump, Cruz or Kasich?
Well, having the latest news is great, but staying up to date requires some effort. So, forget all those news updates and get Reax; the truly realtime digital media app – there’s no pull-to-refresh and many things in Reax happen live.
Reax plays intelligent and saves you that precious time which you might have spent otherwise in analyzing the scenario yourself. The app organizes people’s thoughts from across America and presents you only most important questions right now! A simple Top 10 chart with color maps does it all!
Who is going to win in South Carolina today? Who is your favorite candidate? And so on…..
Ask questions and get answers from people around America! Know the quick feedback and stay tuned with more trending questions!
Witness 2016 elections and reactions to live events state by state in realtime with the color maps by reacting to the Top 10 trending issues.
Reax in Their Own Words:
Anybody can ask questions on anything and people across America can instantly respond to them with a reaction. Reax is the only app in the App Store to date that shows you what Americans think across the country state by state in realtime on a color map. Other polls including Twitter Polls are static, not realtime (they don’t update themselves unless you manually refresh them) and there is also no 50 state color map that can be generated in realtime based on user input and location like this ( anywhere, not to mention native on mobile except Reax.
What Brings Reax to the Spotlight:
It presents the most important questions from across America right now in Top 10 chart with color maps.
Reax Website: