Many small businesses struggle to incorporate digital marketing into their overall marketing plan. When you’re trying to juggle day-to-day operations, hiring and keeping great employees, customer service, and everything else that comes along with running your own company, it can be easy to let top-ranked marketing agencies in Melbourne take a backseat. Before you know it, you’ve missed the boat on what might have been an effective way to get more customers through your doors.
Digital marketing has become an increasingly viable and necessary way for businesses of all sizes to market their products and services online, as well as attract new customers and create new revenue streams. Yet many small businesses don’t understand the ins and outs of digital marketing, so they struggle to use it effectively in their business development efforts.
This article describes three practical digital marketing tactics that are easily understood by small businesses and show how they can be used to successfully market products and services both online and offline.
1. Email marketing
Email marketing is a great way to reach your audience with content they’re interested in. It also helps you build a relationship with your customers, which can help them become long-term customers. Here are some things to keep in mind when creating an email marketing strategy:
- Timing is important. You want to send emails at times when people are most likely to open and read them, like during the hours of 8 AM-11 AM on weekdays or on weekend mornings.
- A/B test everything! If you use two different subject lines for two similar messages, send one version to 10% of your list and another to 90% of your list, then see which message performs better by looking at what percentage opened it, clicked on any links, or unsubscribed from future messages.
- Personalize! Sending messages with someone’s name or address in it means they’ll feel more invested in reading it because it feels more personal than if you just sent out a generic message that didn’t mention anything about them specifically.
2. Traditional social media marketing
Traditional social media marketing is a great place to start. Utilize sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to share pictures of your products, give updates on what you’re up to, and interact with followers.
If you need help building a following or finding new customers, try using a tool like Hootsuite which helps you schedule posts in advance and manage all of your social profiles from one dashboard. And don’t forget about YouTube–you can post videos with product information tutorials or behind-the-scenes footage that will really show off your company culture.
3. Video content
With the advent of social media, it’s never been easier to get your content in front of an audience. If you’re looking to promote your small business but don’t know where to start, here are 3 simple digital marketing strategies that you can implement today.
- Create a Facebook Page – By creating a Facebook page, you’ll be able to reach people on a personal level and share your company’s culture with the world. It also makes finding customer feedback and testimonials much easier.
- Share Your Social Posts Via Email – As we all know, email is still one of the most effective marketing channels available today. Connecting with customers through their inboxes will help increase brand awareness and improve customer loyalty.