Shinett Turalakey is with us in today’s Mompreneur Spotlight. Shinett is a young Indonesian mom, based in Dubai and runs her very own restaurant Dapoer Kita, specializing in Indonesian cuisine. Shinnet is an inspiration for moms with newborn babies who feel it difficult to get back to work after baby. For Shinnet her gorgeous 2 months old baby boy is her motivation.
Advice from Shinett Turalakey for Mompreneurs
“Dapoer Kita Restaurant is my first step being an Entrepreneur. I find it very interesting, although at each step, there are obstacles, just like any other business. But I know, I must have to face them. The crux of being entrepreneur is ; by doing something that I love, I enjoy doing it.”, says Shinett.
Shinett’s story is not doubt an inspiration for mompreneurs looking to launch a business or having difficulties in facing the entrepreneurship challenges. In this connection we asked Shinett for a brief interview and without wasting a minute, let’s see what she says;
1- What are major challenges in food industry in the UAE?
Introducing something that not yet popular among people is challenging for everyone. For taste, it’s not only about an explanation, but how to build trust at the beginning. How to make people trust that some cuisine they have never tried before will satisfy their palate.
2- How difficult was it for you to setup Dapoer Kita in Dubai?
It was neither difficult nor easy task to do. Setting up business in Dubai is tough. But when we have fully desire and courage, there’s nothing impossible. It just needs time and patience, doing it all step by step. All the rules and steps for setting up a business here in Dubai is pretty clear, you just need to follow the rules with patience.
3- What do you think is the biggest challenge to become a mompreneur?
Dividing time between being a Mom who needs to take care baby, and in the same time needs to manage own business. Of course you are willing to be the best for both, and it’s hard sometimes.
4- What 3 characteristics should a business startup have to become a success?
Confidence – We need to have confidence on ourselves, the team, and the product/service that we provide.
Hardwork- Business is like a little baby that you have to struggle.
Patience- Everything takes time, no exception. Can be short and can be long, just a matter if we’re patient enough.
5- Your recipe of success in one sentence?
Everything that we ask in our prayer, believe on it, and we will receive.
6- How important reading (books/magazines/online publications) is for entrepreneurs in your opinion?
Totally important. We need to update ourselves time to time. Learning is a never ending process.
7- What is the best way to deal tough competitors in your opinion?
Set your standards high in terms of business, and always take feedback from your guests. Never stop improving on everything.
8- Any failures that you’d like to share?
I was working in hotel industry before setting up my own business. I felt no satisfaction in my job at that moment. No satisfaction either on myself. Sometimes you need to fail first before end up in something that you really love and enjoy doing it.
9- Where does your husband stand in your success? And how much important is such support for a mompreneur?
He plays an important role for each success of mine. I wouldn’t have started any business without his support. He has big faith on me and knows myself very well. My husband support is the primary key that keeps me going.
10- Any tips/advice for Startup Guys’ readers.
Set your dream as high as possible, even sky is not the limit.
So, ladies let’s throw that awkward feeling of being unable to regain the momentum for work. As Shinett said again and again ‘Patience’ is the key for mompreneurs. Although, patience is important for all, but being mompreneur you need it more!