This article provides information about how to launch a successful and profitable small-scale ornamental fish farming business right from your own home.
Raising ornamental fish is profitable and enjoyable. This hobby has been popular for ages, and you must possess the necessary skills and knowledge of cultivation to start it.
In general, we can divide breeding behavior into two categories: oviparous (egg layers) and ovo-viviparous (livebearers). The increased interest in aquarium fish has caused the global aquarium fish trade to grow steadily.
The ever-increasing demand for aquarium fish has caused a spike in the international aquarium fish trade. The countries leading the export are Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Srilanka, Taiwan, Indonesia, and India.
The USA is the largest importer of ornamental fish, followed by Europe and Japan. The international ornamental fish industry has significantly grown, with most of the fish being exotic species. Encouragingly, this trend continues to grow.
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Basic Requirement To Start Ornamental Fish Farming Business
Both RCC and brick masonry tanks with flat bases, inlet, and outlet pipes can be used. Tanks can also be made of clay, cement, fiberglass, or plastic. Regardless, fish rearing needs to be done in large tanks which should be sized depending on the space, number, and breed of fish being cultivated.
Different sizes of glass tanks are necessary for breeding – small 250 ml bottles can be used to keep single male fighter fish, but the number and size of the tanks depend on which species is being bred.
Overhead tank
A water tank of an appropriate capacity must be installed overhead to store and allow water to settle.
Water Supply
Subsurface water wells are the most ideal option for accessing water. You can also consider using double-purified water from a filtration apparatus, such as a bio-filter. Other accessible sources like dug wells and municipal supplies can be used as well.
Additionally, you should look into purchasing a small pump to relocate the water to an elevated tank and create a system of pipes or hoses to direct the liquid to the respective culture tanks.
Work Shed
The work shed should let natural sunlight in for the tanks, and translucent HDPE sheets can be used to cover the tanks. This will also protect against falling debris or bird droppings.
Aeration equipment
An aeration blower pump and a network of tubes are necessary, as well as making sure that a steady power source such as a generator set, UPS, or inverter is maintained.
7 Steps to Start Ornamental Fish Farming Business
To prevent significant financial losses due to poor management and disease outbreaks, ornamental fish farming must be done with care. The essential elements for the successful breeding and rearing of these fish are access to quality water, ample space, and an adequate amount of feed.
1. Create a Business Plan
This is the initial move for any business, including this one. Before penning down the business plan, there are quite a few elements that need to be figured out.
Find out if you want to open a breeding and rearing farm or solely a rearing farm as the other matters depend on that decision. Then select which fish species should be raised. It is preferred to initiate on a minor scale.
Construct a monetary prediction. Then, unequivocally decide on your marketing policy. Where are you going to vend your fish? What approach will you use to vie against other retailers?
2. Select Farm Location
Firstly, you should set your establishment’s place. You can begin in your own yard. You also have the option of beginning at a hired location. Nevertheless, be sure to pick a spot close to a bazaar so you can access the market and commute conveniently.
3. Prepare Fish Tank or Pond
If you decide to begin ornamental fish farming, you may use a tank made of plastic, cement, or glass. If you are thinking of selling your farm’s fish from the outlet, it is recommended that a glass tank should be used.
Nevertheless, a pond can also be employed. You must purchase both large and small tanks for farming; usually, the smaller tanks are for raising fingerlings while larger tanks or ponds are suitable for rearing bigger fish.
4. Select Fishes
Choose the fish judiciously based on the regional requirement. Additionally, it is possible to set up a fish farm that focuses exclusively on export. For this, you must take into consideration the demand for international trade.
The most popular aquarium species are Molly, Guppy, Platy, Swordtail, Blue Gourami, Pearl Gourami, Rosy Barb, Gold Fish, S Fighter, and Angel among others.
5. Fish Rearing
To successfully run an ornamental fish farm, it is important to be efficient in management. Utilizing cement tanks is a widely accepted practice because of their simple upkeep and durability.
Usually, just one species is stored within a single tank, however, when dealing with compatible species two to three can inhabit the same space.
It’s recommended to use groundwater from dug wells, deep tube wells, or borewells for rearing fish. After 4-6 months they will become the marketable size and you can yield eight to ten crops within one year.
6. Feeding
The main food sources for juvenile fish include Infusoria, Artemia, Daphnia, Mosquito larvae Tubifex, and Bloodworms. To raise the fish, you can use either prepared brands of feed or formulate an artificial one.
However, when creating a feed be sure to keep in mind that it should have a minimal environmental impact, cost-effective ingredients, and convenient storage requirements.
7. Promote Your Ornamental Fish Farming Business
Publicizing the product is essential. Working with an Aquarium store is a great option. You can promote your fish from your own shop and likewise supply them to other vendors.
Formally register your business with localized b2b directories. Develop your own business website. Get involved with fish farming organizations. Finally, assemble a wide and effective distribution channel to advertise your ornamental fish farming sector.
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