Your need for a tax accountant depends on your financial situation. If you are completely new to taxes, you might need an accountant. Plus, if you have made any life-changing decisions in the past year, you’ll need a tax accountant to bring things on track.
In this blog post, we will explain all the reasons you’ll need a tax accountant for your business. So let’s get into it.
When Do I Need a Tax Accountant?
Hiring a tax accountant can be worth the expense, especially if you haven’t filed your last year’s tax. On the contrary, a tax accountant will save you money. So here is why you need a tax accountant.
1. You Have a Business
Using an accountant such as Gorilla Accounting to file your taxes can save you and your business from costly mistakes. A tax accountant will inform you about your quarterly business taxes. Therefore, you won’t have to pay a significant amount at the end of the year.
2. Significant Life Changes
Life-changing purchases can drastically affect your tax position. For instance, if you buy a house, your tax picture will change. An accountant will ensure you use every legal channel to minimize your tax payments.
Other life changes can also require the need for a tax accountant. For instance, a tax accountant can make tax adjustments as you get married or have children.
3. You Failed to Pay Your Prior Taxes
When you haven’t paid your taxes for a couple of years, things can become challenging. As you avoid or forget to make tax payments, you start owing a lot of money to the government. That’s something you don’t want for too long.
Hiring a tax accountant can file several years’ worth of taxes. Plus, your tax accountant will look up your options and help you pay the least amount possible.
4. Can Spot Tax Exceptions
There are several situations where you and your business are exempted from taxes. However, it’s difficult for normal people to spot. A tax accountant is well versed in how the legal system of taxation works.
Spotting tax exceptions is easy for an experienced tax accountant. Therefore, you’ll only pay what you are supposed to. Not a single dollar more.
5. Their Services Go Beyond Taxation
Tax return accountants are more than just for filing taxes. They have financial expertise, and they can help you with wealth management, investments, and other financial matters. You’ll also avoid making costly business mistakes if you have a tax accountant.
This is because investment decisions are riddled with tax complications. With a competent tax accountant on your side, investments and expenses avoid additional tax charges.
6. You Plan to Give an Expensive Gift
If you plan to give an expensive gift, you’ll need a tax accountant to help you doge hefty taxes. Since tax accountants know how our tax system works, they’ll ensure you take the least expensive route. Plus, you’ll avoid paying additional income tax or any other tax that might accompany your expensive gift.
7. You Want to Save Time
Filing taxes is a time-consuming process. You have to take time out of your busy day to manage your taxes. Most small business owners don’t have the time to manage taxes. Hence they end up paying more than what they should be paying. A tax accountant can manage your business finances and save your time. You can comfortably focus on the day-to-day activities of your business.
8. You Own a Rental Property
Rental income can be a tricky subject and need professional help. You don’t know what sort of deductions you are entitled to. So you need a tax accountant to highlight deductions you are eligible for.
9. You Want to Extend Your Tax Deadline
A tax accountant is very helpful if your business is in Australia. Though the tax filing date for individuals is 31st October, you can get an extension with a tax accountant. Therefore, many Australian businesses have a tax accountant. This allows them to file their taxes by May of the following year.
Ending Note
Hiring a tax accountant has several benefits, including date extension and less stress. Plus, if you are getting married or planning kids, a tax accountant can help you manage your taxable income. For small businesses, a tax accountant can save a lot of time and money. So hire a tax accountant before the tax season. Because you might be paying more than what you should.
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