To competently and successfully write a research paper, it is necessary to pay due attention to numerous details. Including the methodological basis. And what is the theoretical and methodological basis of the study? What are the main methods and how to choose them for your term paper, thesis, or another type of work? Read the article and you will not only find answers to these questions but also see examples of the methodological basis of the study. Being a student I didn’t know all this, so I had to pay someone to write my research paper for me.
What Is a Methodological Base?
This is a list of all scientific methods that are used in the study. They can be both theoretical and practical. But the theoretical and methodological base is only those methods that form the basis of the theory and describe the methodology used to obtain practical research results. For term papers, theses and dissertations, they use their research methods. They can be either general, which is used in different sciences, or highly specialized – used only in specific disciplines.
Why Do We Need a Methodological Base of Work?
Scientific research, which includes student essays, term papers, and especially thesis projects, cannot be unfounded. This means that for the problems, goals, and objectives stated in the work, it is important not just to find a solution, but to show exactly how they came to it. The same is true with conclusions — they need to be justified and demonstrate which specific actions led to the described results.
It is for this purpose that the methodological base is chosen — a set of methods that fit the research topic and help to justify the solution of problems and achieve the stated goals and objectives.
The Place of the Methodological Base in the Project
The methodological base of the course, thesis report, or other work is described at the very beginning of the study — in the introduction. First, research problems are formulated, the main goals and objectives of the project are set, the object and subject are determined.
And then the theoretical and methodological base is written directly. Did you manage to write the methods at the beginning of the work? That’s not all. The main thing is to remember that the methodology should permeate all the chapters of the study.
Especially the theoretical and practical parts. In theory, it is to link the methods with the basic theory, and in practice, it is to show how you used them to get results. Correctly determine the purpose and objectives of the study — 50% success rate
Basic Research Methods: Classification
Before choosing the methods that are suitable for you, which will form the methodological basis of the study, it is worth remembering what they are. All methods are divided into two large groups: general scientific; special. General scientific methods are those that can be applied in absolutely any scientific field. For example, analysis, synthesis, generalization, deduction, induction, and others.
Special, or highly specialized — methods are used only in a specific scientific field. Let’s see what special methods can be used in different scientific disciplines:
How to Select Methods for the Methodological Basis of the Research of a Course or Thesis?
Follow a few important rules: first, define the goal and objectives; make an approximate research plan; study which methodologies are used in your scientific field; think about which methods will help solve the problems and achieve the goal; choose the methods that are most suitable and understandable to you.
As you can see, the main thing is to remember that the methodological base should help you achieve your goals and objectives. Otherwise, the logical connection will be lost, and the methods will not help to reveal the declared topic of the project. Are you not sure that you have correctly compiled the methodological basis of the study? Be sure to contact your supervisor. He will clarify which methods will definitely be useful, and also tell you how to issue a course or thesis project.
How to Formalize the Methodological Base in Research: Templates
What words and phrases can be used to formulate the methodological base of scientific research? Here is a list of some suggestions that will help describe the methods in the introduction:
Let’s list the methods that are used in this thesis study…
- To achieve this goal and objectives, we used the following methods …
- The methodological basis of the study consists of the following methods…
- The methodological basis of the course project includes the following methods …
- The methodological basis of the study consists of …
- The theoretical and methodological basis of the study includes the following methods …
- Use these and other suggestions to formalize the methodological basis of the project and describe the direct methods.
Methodological Basis of the Research: Examples
So that there are no questions about what the methodological basis of a course, thesis, or dissertation project looks like, we decided to give examples. Watch, study and use wisely when writing your research project.
Example No. 1: The Methodological Basis of the Course Work
Scientific discipline: marketing
Topic: Evaluation of commercial activities for the formation of an assortment of non-food products
Purpose and objectives of the work: The purpose of this course work is to develop directions for improving commercial activities for the formation of a commercial assortment of non-food products and the organization of retail sales. In accordance with the topic of the course work, the following tasks were set and solved:
to study the essence and content of commercial activities for the formation of a trade assortment;
to give a brief organizational and economic characteristic of the enterprise and its field of activity;
to assess the state of commercial activity on the formation of a trade assortment of non-food products and the organization of their retail sale in branches;
to suggest ways to improve commercial work on the formation of a trade assortment of non-food products and the organization of their retail sale in branches of the company.
Methodological base: Various research methods were used in the course work: a statistical observation, the method of analysis and synthesis, a systematic approach, methods of grouping and comparisons, the method of collecting facts, and others.
Example No. 2: Methodological Basis of the Thesis Scientific Discipline: Economics
The topic of the thesis project: Assessment of the financial and economic condition of LLC “Ergoline”.
The purpose and objectives of the work: The purpose of the work is to develop recommendations for improving the financial condition of the enterprise based on the results of the analysis of its financial and economic condition.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks will be solved in the work:
study of the essence of the financial and economic condition of the organization;
analysis of methods for assessing the financial and economic condition of the organization;
analysis of the financial activities of LLC “Ergoline” in the main directions.
Methodological basis: The methodological basis of the research is analysis and synthesis, economic-statistical and graphical methods.
Example No. 3: Methodological Basis of the Master’s Thesis
Scientific discipline: Political science
The topic of the master’s thesis: Features of the use of economic mechanisms in the implementation of politically significant public projects.
The purpose and objectives of the work: The purpose of the master’s thesis is to identify the features and problems of using economic mechanisms in the implementation of politically significant public projects and to develop recommendations for their improvement in modern conditions.
To achieve the stated goal, the following research tasks are solved in the work: to reveal the essence and formulate the main features and characteristics of politically significant public projects; to describe the structure of economic mechanisms through which politically significant public projects are implemented; to analyze the effectiveness of the functioning of economic mechanisms in the implementation of politically significant public projects; to formulate the key features and problems of economic mechanisms in the implementation of politically significant public projects and identify the factors influencing them; to identify ways and directions of improving economic mechanisms in the implementation of politically significant public projects, taking into account modern economic and political realities.
Methodological base: Theoretical and methodological justification and research methods. The main scientific methods used in the dissertation are general scientific (comparison, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction) and special methods of political science and economics (organizational, systemic, and structural-functional approaches, applied statistical methods). The totality and combination of these methods are adequate to the goals and objectives, object and subject of the study of this work.
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