Knowing what others are being paid is the only way to know if you are on right scale or else being underpaid!
Though, it’s the only way to analyse your pay scale, it will be very offensive to your peers if you ask them about their pay. And in fact, according to organizational rules in most of the cases, you are strictly prohibited to discuss your salary and benefits with your peers.
Resolving this major problem of professionals, Pay-Gap provides an option to know what your peers are earning, while making sure that the process doesn’t infringe the privacy concerns of any employee.
Other than your peers, you may know the scales of other professionals from your industry. Staying up to date with the pay scales in your industry is very important when you are switching jobs or looking for a work-life balance.
It may serve as a good option for employers as well, if they actually care for good employees and want to make sure that they retain them for longer!
Pay-Gap in Their Own Words: helps people to find out what their peers are earning anonymously, without infringing on their privacy. Our target audience are: – People who want to move up, down or sideways on the Career ladder between the ages of 18-50. – People who want to improve their Work Life Balance. – And people looking for new jobs.
What Brings Pay-Gap in the Spotlight:
Allowing users to share their pay details while maintain privacy is a very good option to make the research work easier for both employees and employers. The end product is always a room for improvement!
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