Lifestyle magazines are a part and parcel of our daily lives. They aren’t meant to be kept on a coffee table, but they are a good source of information too.
Besides this, these lifestyle magazine websites also pay freelancers for their articles.
List of 25 Lifestyle Magazines That Pay Freelance Writers
1. Catalyst Magazine
Payment: $10 per page.
It serves as Salt Lake City‘s resource for creative lifestyles since 1982. The magazine covers various subjects including art, environmental issues, health, spirituality, and so on.
Moreover, please go through the site to familiarise yourself with the published content and the submission requirements. You’re also encouraged to read the submission guidelines carefully.
2. DeSoto Magazine
Payment: 15 cents per word.
This is an upscale monthly lifestyle publication focused on stories about living in Mississippi, Memphis, Tennessee, and the Southeast. It has a readership of more than 30 thousand people.
Furthermore, the articles cover various subjects including people, cuisines, southern cultures, healthy lifestyles, and art.
This lifestyle publication has regular freelancers who write for them, and you’re expected to submit features of 1,000-1,200 words each.
Moreover, it is important for you to follow the guidelines carefully.
3. Whole Life Times Magazine
Payment: $150, paid within 30 days of publishing
Since its founding in 1978, they’ve been publishing a bimonthly lifestyle publication that focuses on holistic and integrative wellness, including articles on yoga, spiritual topics, and personal growth.
They accept queries as well as complete manuscript submissions. You should submit your work within the 800-1000 word limit. Furthermore, you’re also advised to read their guidelines for submitting works.
4. Russian Life
Pay: unspecified
This publication features articles about Russia, including both written and visual material. It expects pitch submissions rather than full manuscripts.
They want you to familiarise yourself with the content of their site before pitching them. Once you’ve done so, you get paid when the piece gets published.
They also have detailed submission guidelines which we’d recommend you follow closely.
5. Aboriginal Multi-Media Society Lifestyle Magazine
This publication is dedicated exclusively to events, stories, and issues related to Aboriginal people. It expects articles between 800 and 1,200 words.
In addition to this, they prefer pitches before complete submissions. They have detailed submission guidelines. We would encourage you to read that carefully.
This publication accepts pitches for articles before full manuscripts.
You should definitely check out their submission guidelines before submitting anything. They’re quite detailed.
7. ADDitude
This magazine publishes content about attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disabilities, and conditions related to this. Articles within 2,000 words Are expected from contributors.
Additionally, they expect you to be familiar with the contents of their websites before pitching them.
Furthermore, they have comprehensive instructions for submitting content. We recommend reading them carefully.
You will be paid for each time someone reads one of your articles.
8. Indian Life Ministries
Payment: $150, payable upon publication.
Indian Life Ministries helps churches across Canada and the United States reach their communities through its publications.
Furthermore, the publication expects you to submit articles that are no longer than 2,000 words long.
9. Today’s Christian Living
Payment: $150, payment will be made within 60 days of publication
It’s an online Christian magazine for people of all ages. Its regular columns include topics like fitness, cooking, parenting, relationships, faith, etc. You can submit articles up to 1,600 characters long.
Moreover, we would appreciate it if you could submit completed manuscripts. However, we don’t encourage you to query us. You need to read the content of our site to get an idea about the expected inspiration of the content.
10. Avenue Edmonton Magazine
This publication expects queries before they accept full manuscripts.
In addition to this, they expect articles within 500-2,000 words. They have detailed submission guidelines. We would encourage you to read that carefully.
11. Coastal Living
This magazine publishes content about living on the water or living on shores along the Pacific, Atlantic and Gulf shores of North America.
They don’t want full manuscripts; they just want questions.
12. Cottage Life
This publication prefers queries rather than full manuscripts. It expects them to be between 1,500 and 3,000 words long.
Furthermore, we’d recommend reading their submission guide thoroughly.
13. Covey Rise Magazine
It’s a monthly sports publication featuring short stories about uploading. Articles must be between 1,000 – 1,500 words long.
Finally, they require pitches before full submissions. You’d receive the payment within 60-90 days after publishing.
14. Experience Life
This magazine prefers pitches for feature stories between 2,500 and 3,000 words. It expects feature stories between 1,200 and 2,400 words.
They’d also suggest that you become familiar with the content of the site before approaching them for a pitch.
15. Family Tree Magazine
This magazine doesn’t accept unsolicited proposals for articles. It expects them before they submit complete manuscripts.
16. Country Magazine
Payment: $250, paid upon publication.
This lifestyle magazine encourages readers to submit their own photos (in high quality.JPG or.JPEG format).
However, we would encourage you to read through the entire site before submitting an application.
Read through the submission guide thoroughly.
17. Garden & Gun
This publication covers content related to the south, including food, cultural aspects, arts, music, literature, sport, people, and history. It expects queries before full submission.
To learn more, visit their website.
18. Home School Life Magazine
This magazine publishes articles about teaching children at home. It expects submissions for full manuscripts.
You should also familiarize yourself with the site’s content before pitching.
Additionally, you would be paid for 90 calendar months after we publish your content. You should check their submission guidelines thoroughly before submitting any articles.
19. International Living Magazine
This magazine offers opportunities for writers who want to submit their articles before they’re completely finished.
They also have detailed submission guidelines which we would recommend you follow closely.
20. Recreation News
Payment: $30 per 500 words (with images, JPEGs). Payment upon acceptance.
This lifestyle magazine offers recreational information for government and private sector workers to enjoy during their leisure time. Longer articles are expected to be 1,000 words long.
It’s important to read the content first before submitting it. Also, be sure to follow the submission rules.
Visit Recreational News
21. L.An Affairs
Pay: $300
This publication covers topics related to online relationships in and around Los Angeles, California. It expects articles between 800-900 words long.
Furthermore, they have detailed instructions for submitting content. We’d recommend reading them closely.
21. Power of Living
Payment: $375 per lead article and $125 for other content, payment is made three weeks after acceptance.
This lifestyle magazine is published every three months by adults who want to inspire others through their faith. It is available on a subscription base through churches, business organizations, and individuals.
You can submit lead articles in around 1500 word lengths and short stories within 750-1000 word lengths. Furthermore, you’re encouraged to include relevant images along with your submissions.
22. Outlook by the Bay
This monthly publication provides helpful information for seniors living in the Chesapeake Bay region. It includes topics ranging from healthy eating to social activities.
Besides this, they accept pitches for short stories up to 1,500 words prior to submission. Payment is made when the story is published.
23. Ruralite Magazine
Payment: $500 for an illustrated, well-written piece. Payment is made when accepted.
It’s a monthly magazine for families who live in rural areas across seven western states.
You need to submit visual content along with your entries. Also, you must read the submission requirements carefully.
24. AFAR Magazine
This book covers topics related to tourism. They prefer queries before full manuscripts.
25. Alaska Airlines Magazine
Price: $700 for features. Paid upon publication.
This is an online lifestyle magazine that is 75 percent freelance-authored. It provides news and entertainment for a well-informed and sophisticated audience. The publication reaches nearly two million people per year in about 100 destinations.
The magazine reaches almost two million travelers every single day in about one hundred destinations.
If you’re going to write an article, be sure to attach some visuals. Also, read the guidelines carefully before submitting.
Read these magazines for freelance writing tips.
It is essential for lifestyle magazines to have informative content covering various topics.
So, here’s hoping that this list helps you to find the perfect place to submit your articles.
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