As the smartphone users are getting smarter and more demanding, it has become crucial for app developers to maintain a good customer base with measurable data and assess it periodically for improvement as well as developing new solutions.
Lot of smartphone users delete their accounts for a plethora of reasons and not just because they don’t simply like the app, but maybe they want some discount or want to use it some time later. This is why they just hit the delete button and you are never sure if they will come back or not.
So, it’s very important for the app developers to integrate various options in “Delete Account” section which will not only discourage the user to delete his or her account but also to provide a valid reasoning if the user proceed with deleting the account. This is what LessChurn offers.
LessChurn provides a highly customized iFrame, which can be embedded in the app and can track account deletion in real time.
The app replaces the “Delete Account” tab with various useful options like “Request a demo”, “Extend Trial Period”, “Get Discount” etc. and makes the user think once again before proceeding with account deletion.
This will not just reduce churning but will also help developers boost the revenues from their apps.
Since, every benefit has some costs associated with, there’s some price for LessChurn too, however it’s flexible; i.e. you can pay a monthly fee or per-save fee, whatever suits your business model best.
LessChurn in Their Own Words:
LessChurn reduces churn and increases revenueby simply replacing your “delete my account” button with editable options to get them stay longer. We have 100% success rate at reducing churn.
What Brings LessChurn to the Spotlight:
It’s a quick yet effective way of customer retention.
LessChurn Website: