One of the most critical stages in establishment of a startup is launching the startup. Due to various factors, sometimes the individual or the team has to launch it too early which, if not managed well can cause various problems including administrative issues and reputation management.
Just like managing a startup launch behind schedules, the early launch also needs some specific considerations. As you’re going live before the planned time, it is important to make sure that everything is according to the standards.
While managing an early launch you may undergo a stressful situation, however, keeping a few points in mind resolves the issue at most.
Following are some easy tips that will help you to deal with this issue.
Don’t rush for the announcements
In almost all the startups there is a temptation to announce their offering or advantages to the market as soon as possible. Living up to the hype can be quite difficult and can backfire in some cases, i.e. you have a new solution to an old problem and competitors are eyeing on it.
Thus, you must reveal your product and services gradually over a period of time. This will not just be the face saving in case if the product prototype is not working as it was expected, but will also help you avoid running out of money.
Set your mindset
You must have a clear mindset that you are going to face hodgepodge and complex situation while launching a startup too early. Thus, you must not get depressed or sad due to these unfavorable situations that you are likely to see and should deal with them patiently.
Having a business plan, and particularly the launch plan can be a great way to deal such a situation. Take your time to analyze the most important factors that may be affected by the early launch, i.e. emergency funding, PR strategy and social media plan.
In order to counteract the ill effects of launching a startup too early, you and the team should resort to multitasking. Try to do as much work as you can do even if it involves various disciplines. However, you should take calculated risks so that you don’t put the entire project into jeopardy.
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The Bottom Line:
Launching a startup earlier than the planned schedule can give you a great competitive advantage and you can actually acquire users faster in an emerging market, but if this early launch is not well organized it can backfire and the losses may cost you the entire startup. So, all you need is to play wisely, and everything will be under control!