How safe do your clients and employees feel? I’ve worked with many companies were these groups aren’t vocal about their concerns. No one wants to anger the boss, right?
But they’re usually the first ones to pick up on your security problems.
And I know it’s tough keeping an eye on everything. That’s why I compiled an easy checklist for you. If any of these areas spark concern with you, it’s time for an audit and an update.
Luckily security options increase and improve all the time. Your solution is out there.
1- Is Your Network Safe?
I recently did an online search regarding security. This is the topic most written about. This disturbs me. It shows how relevant it is and that it’s occurring regularly.
One would hope that risks become fewer as the internet and technology develops. But it’s only getting worse. The rate of cyber-attacks increase every year so you can’t take a chance of not being prepared.
We’re so familiar with the idea of a computer virus we think it’s something we can ignore. But what if this happens:
- Malware (Malicious software) can damage a computer or destroy the information it contains.
- Hackers can access your information—such as client details—and take it hostage. They will ask you for ransom money or they will destroy it. Even worse, they can release it to the internet or other hackers who can use it for fraudulent acts.
Either of these can damage your reputation and stop your productivity.
That’s why security software is essential on your network. And don’t think it’s a one time occurrence. Hackers create new viruses every day. You need to update your software continuously.
2- Personal Devices
Mobile devices increased your productivity, right? Now you can contact employees at any time and they can even finish projects without being at the office. But these devices also increased your risk factor.
One way hackers gain access to your network is through personal devices. Employees don’t all have security software on their Smartphones and they’re less careful what websites they access.
You can create policies and hope your employees keep to them. Alternatively it’s ideal to only allow company devices on your network. Yes it’s a huge capital investment. But how much is security worth to you?
3- Disgruntled Employees
How healthy is your office environment? It only takes one malicious employee to ruin your business:
- They can give hackers access to your network in return for payment.
- They can ruin your reputation with clients or suppliers. This can happen by leaking information online or simply talking behind your back.
- 75% of employees steal from their employers.
- Productivity can plummet if someone causes others to become pessimistic about their work.
This is why your focus can’t be on the bottom line only. Time invested in these aspects will save—and make—you money in the long run:
- Building healthy relationships with employees. When they feel comfortable speaking about problems they’ll discuss it with you instead of clients.
- Providing opportunities for career growth which gives people purpose.
- Setting the example of living with integrity and honesty.
- Giving definite leadership so your employees feel comfortable following you. If you don’t lead one of your employees will.
It will waste more time to placate irate employees than simply keeping them content from the start. This makes a proper Human Relations department a wise investment.
4- Natural Disasters
What’s the chance of a tree falling on your building? Do you really want to risk it and not plan for this eventuality?
You’ll lose money as:
- Productivity will fall
- You have to replace equipment
- A new network has to be set up
- You need alternative offices until you can resume work in your old building
- You need to ensure your data stays safe
You can’t prevent snow, mud or other natural disasters. But you’ll be surprised how much money you’ll save by being prepared. Most of it will come from being productive again in a very short time span.
Most importantly you won’t run the risk of your data and personal details being accessed. It’s called a DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan):
- Research what alternative office options are in the area.
- Create policies for setting up a new network and hardware.
- Determine the best way to gain access to your data in a safe, secure manner.
- Create a policy for backups that are kept off site. You can discuss secure cloud storage with your service providers.
- Create a policy for securing documents that may be damaged or exposed because of the disaster.
- Allocate people to all responsibilities. This ensures they can go into action the moment something happens.
- Draw up a budget for these activities. This minimizes the time wasted on getting payment approvals.
It’s about being proactive. Hopefully you never have to use it.
5- Burglaries
Society is so used to everything happening online these days. But we’re not functioning in paperless offices yet. Your documents still form part of your assets and need to be kept locked up.
And despite online payments, few companies can function without having cash on site at some stage. Where do you keep this? That’s why a safe must be part of your business’ initial capital expenses.
Remember safes have ratings and your insurer must determine if yours is up to standard. That’s why it’s smart purchasing from reputable safe suppliers. You need these features:
- Fire protection which can limit damage during natural or electric disasters.
- A warranty.
- Lock types that enhance your security policies. Electronic locks are more secure, because you don’t risk having keys lost or stolen.
I know your main focus is on making money. But for long term success you must secure your business. Otherwise you can lose the profit you’re making now.
The Bottom Line:
Today you’ve heard the warning. Talk to your employees and listen to their concerns. Then take the necessary steps before it’s too late.