Promoting a business in the 21st century requires a business owner or marketer to identify the best strategy and creativity to make the business reach a very large audience.
A very promising method to promote a business in this age is through social media. Though all businesses can maximize the opportunities social media has to offer to increase their sales and generate profit, it is most beneficial to small businesses because it is affordable.
This is why platforms like are out to offer instant Twitter followers to businesses looking for a way to reach more social media users.
Twitter for Business
Twitter is one of several social media that are extremely effective for online marketing. It is an online social platform where users (referred to as tweeps) send and receive tweets, which are short messages of 280 characters. This is to promote concise use of words to communicate the main message to tweeps who use smartphones and are consumed by a lot of information. The site is currently ranked as one of the social media platforms with an outstanding online population. According to Statista, Twitter has up to 330 million users accessing the platform every day from different parts of the world.
To understand whether using Twitter is a good idea to grow a business, it is crucial to understand the uniqueness of this social space. Every user can do the following:
- Express their opinion through their tweets.
- Read and retweet tweets published by other users.
- Reply or comment on other people’s tweets.
- Follow experts and celebrities of their choice and learn about what they do and engage them.
- Build a community of followers who are equally interested in the content they create on Twitter.
- Follow news and discussion making the trends.
- Provide a link to your research, blog articles, and stories.
- Build a relationship with people and become part of their visions and missions.
5 Reasons Why Twitter Is Useful for Business
Twitter is an open space
Twitter is known for open communication. Members of the Twitter community are encouraged to easily communicate with each other and connect with those whose values and interests align with theirs. For instance, its population communicates via tweets every time.
Unlike on Facebook or any other social media, individuals seldom make use of the Direct Messaging platform to communicate and interact. What this implies is that Mr. A communicates with Mr. B while other users can read and act as observers or decide to join the discussion.
This could make it easy for you to identify your prospect and the best way to reach them through the content of their communication.
Conversation on Twitter is real
On Twitter, you can easily interact with your prospect and market your products and services to them. You don’t need to send them emails that will take them days or weeks to reply. You can instantly tweet about what you have for them and get their attention in the shortest possible period.
In a situation where you need to address a problem, a customer can easily communicate to you for support. And within a few minutes, you get things sorted out and still rate the customer’s satisfaction.
Twitter offers different ways to communicate with your followers
Your followers can read what you post and write any reactions in the comments. They can as well send you a direct message if they intend to have a private discussion. Besides, businesses can apply the following tactics to reach and engage customers and create brand awareness for their products:
- Conduct opinion polls on subjects related to the company’s products and services
- Educate the audience about the values of the company
- Post educative contents and promotional campaigns
It is easy to identify customers
The open nature of communication on Twitter gives a business owner direct access to the content on the timeline of a customer. One can directly study their personality, what they like or dislike, and their location. With this, it is extremely easy to identify prospects and generate leads.
It is easy to expand marketing targets
With a smartphone, one can easily interact with anyone on Twitter about whatever services or products you have to offer them. Whenever you release a new product, you can find the right customers for the products and services on Twitter.
Moreover, when you engage your followers with great content, you get more retweets, which in turn increases your reach on Twitter.
So you earn more followers you can convert to regular customers and voluntary marketers for your business.
Ways to Use Twitter for Your Business
Maximize the use of hashtags
Hashtags are used to tag a coined word or phrase which categorizes hundreds or thousands of related tweets together. Hashtags come in this form: #BetterDays or #DailyUpdates, and so on. Hashtags could be any words or phrases. When you create your hashtag, you attract people’s attention to your brand or upcoming event.
If your account doesn’t have enough followers, you might not be able to generate engagement that would make your hashtag trend. However, you can employ influencers (Twitter users with followers in thousands and hundreds of thousands) to help trend the hashtag. What hashtag does is to create brand awareness, which can generate leads and significantly increase profit.
Add photos to your post and conduct polls
There are a special way graphic contents effectively communicate with readers. Adding photos to tweets can influence engagement with consumers who have shown interest in your brand. Also, create opinion polls with the use of pictures or GIFs to get people’s opinions over certain things. You will need to draft a question and select different responses people can pick from for your survey.
Whenever there is an issue to resolve, it should be through direct messages
To avoid projecting a bad image of your brand or that of your client, it is strongly advisable to handle any issues that need one’s attention privately. With that, it will be smoothly attended to without any alteration in the existing brand image and the perspective of customers.
Use Twitter to advertise
Twitter is a platform that doesn’t charge its users. However, to promote a tweet, an account, or trends to reach more audience attracts some dime.
There are several features on Twitter that are useful for business growth. With the appropriate marketing plan, a business can maximize the online space to generate online visibility, increase followers, engage them with meaningful content, market products, and services to them, and convert them to regular customers instead of just loyal followers.
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