B2B sales presentations are a meant to close deals, however, if a presentation is misguided or mistimed, it may cost you a lot. Many times when you are pitching prospects or clients over the phone, the chances of misinterpretation are highest. The only solution to avoid misinterpretations on phone calls is to share your screen with the client/prospect.
There are many screen sharing tools, but they require both the parties to have the software installed, so what if your client doesn’t have that or in fact cannot just install. In that case, the ideal solution should be CrankWheel.
CrankWheel is a tool to share the browser tab without any hassle. The customers need not install anything on their devices if they are using this service. All you need to do is to send your customer a link by text message (SMS) or email, or ask them to type in an easy-to-say, easy-to-type URL and they will be on the same page where you wanted them to be.
Yes it does require an install on part of presenter, but that’s quick, too easy and hassle free. Further it works seamlessly in almost all browsers and on any device and you can have complete knowledge of what the other parties are seeing and when, right in the preview pane.
Let it be a sales pitch or explaining a tutorial to a user, with CrankWheel you can save not just your time and money, but your overall business.
CrankWheel in Their Own Words:
CrankWheel is a simplest screen sharing tool to instantly share your browser tab or screen with no preparation required. It’s free for individual use (including commercial use) for one-on-one screen sharing. It needs only a 5-second install for the agent/presenter, no install is required for your customer/viewer, even on their mobile and it works on practically every browser on every device.
Send your customer a text message (SMS) to let them join by mobile, or ask them to type in an easy URL for your company’s reception lobby, e.g. meeting.is/acme.
What Brings CrankWheel to the Spotlight:
It’s easy to use and doesn’t need any setup on users’ end.
CrankWheel Website: http://crankwheel.com/