If you are among those who think that Twitter is for consumer and media brands, you are totally unaware of the potential it has for effective B2B marketing and lead generation.
For some B2B brands, Twitter accounts for 82% of social media leads as compared 9% LinkedIn leads.
The Two Major Uses of Twitter for B2B Brands:
1- Directly answering customers’ questions, solving their problems individually and responding to their grievances it’s a great way to optimize any B2B brand’s customer service.
2- Crafting and pushing short sales messages; though it’s more one way communication and has a little opportunity for success.
The second use is specific for B2B marketing and lead generation, however, being more one way communication it is tricky. Some most common questions any B2B brand may have:
What B2B Twitter strategy can generate more sales?
What is the best way to use Twitter for B2B marketing and lead generation?
B2B Twitter best practices that drive results.
To get the answers of questions above and to ensure real return on Twitter investment here are some simple yet effective steps. As a result you should be able to use Twitter as effective marketing & lead generating medium for a B2B brand.
The best measurement of results can be in terms of B2B leads generated through Twitter. Let’s discuss:
1- Watch Your Consumers on Twitter:
By having a detailed look at channels your consumers are watching you can keep a close eye on them. One easier way is to get invite current customers to join you Twitter.
2- Keep an Eye on “Who’s Following Who”:
Since your target audience is businesses, take time to discover who is following your competitors. What mentions are they getting? And so on..
3- Listen to Your Customers’ Conversations:
Every time you listen carefully, you get a clue to improve! That’s how you build relationships over Twitter which ultimately results as leads and then sales.
4- Develop One-to-One Relationships with Your Customers:
Well, it’s certainly not that easy, but that’s how it works best. If you listen to your users well, you know how to engage them, however, getting quick help from related readings can always help. Read more on how to increase engagement on B2B Twitter page.
Related Readings:
- What an Entrepreneur Should Tweet
- What a Business or Entrepreneur Should Not Do on Twitter
5- Turn Your Followers into Powerful Brand Advocates:
To achieve this target, Twitter alone won’t work. Rather integrate it with another campaign whereby people’s active participation is associated, i.e. organizing an event, speaking at an event, sponsoring an event etc.
6- Grow Your Audience:
The more people you reach the more people know about your brand and so you can market your brand a wider audience. The increased reach of course increases the chances of leads and then sales. Use a tool like the one offered by Twiends to do this without violating Twitter’s rules
Related Readings:
- How to Optimize Your Twitter Profile
- How to Get More Followers on Twitter Business Page
- How to Keep Your Twitter Stream Influencing
Follow these simple steps and market your B2B brand to the right people so you can generate better leads. One thing you must know that these steps are simple, but not easy, i.e. you need to invest parallel time and effort to see the results.