By business page I mean a Twitter page that represents an organization or an individual’s personal brand. So whether you are looking to increase Twitter followers on your company’s page or you are an entrepreneur with a personal Twitter page and want to have a bigger audience through more followers, this article will answer your questions.
I can understand the level of excitement and the fact that how overwhelmed you are to get more Twitter followers faster. Some of you might have already tried some apps that allow you to get free Twitter followers instantly simply by following back or paying a little amount. But, let me clear it first that Twitter success is measured not by the number of followers, but by the quality and level of engagement your followers have on your Twitter page.
So if you have lately been increasing Twitter followers instantly and for free using apps, you must have noticed that they do not help your tweets get a broader reach, i.e. most of such followers are non-responsive and are fake accounts used for manipulation purposes.
Well, this article will discus ideas and tips on getting only active and highly targeted Twitter followers for your business page. Let’s start:
1- Use Twitter search and connect to people from your targeted industry. Don’t worry even f they do not follow back, but when you follow an influential industry person, he does get a notification. Whether he will follow back or not totally depends upon your product/service, i.e. whether it is interesting enough or not, your optimized Twitter profile and what you are tweeting.
2- Get connected to an industry influencer, following is not enough, engage yourself in one of their conversation where you can be noticed. Be nice, appreciate their effort, mention them in your tweets, ask them questions and you should be able to get their attention. Remember, that a follow back from an influencer can get you a hundred or more followers at once.
3- Talk about Twitter offline in events and do mention @yourprofile to the people so they can get back to you.
4- Get your Twitter profile linked to your other profiles, i.e. Facebook page, Linkedin profile and Email signature.
5- If you write a blog, or use any other mode of online publication for your business, do connect it with your Twitter.
6- Must have @yourprofile mentioned in your printed marketing materials and publications.
7- Must use #hashtags in your tweets so people searching for specific items may be interested in connecting with you.
8- Depending upon your business, think like a customer/follower and identify why should he follow you. Get that in your profile/tweets.
9- Be regular in tweeting and know the Twitter ethics, especially what a business should not tweet.
10- Do not forget the humor, it let’s your tweet travel to a longer distance and so more people know you. The more people know you, the more followers are expected.
Doing the above will certainly bring a positive response, but if you are looking for a bulk number of followers overnight, none of the above might work. For that you need some campaign, lot of advertising on right platforms and a benchmark of course!