About one in seven visitors to your site will leave the checkout process without completing their purchase. This means lost revenue for your business and customers end up being unsatisfied, as well as wondering why they are abandoning their carts.
It also means that all the hard work to attract customers to your online store is not fully rewarded. To turn more visitors into customers, optimize and simplify your checkout process.
Here are some useful strategies you may consider.
How to Encourage Customers to Return to an Abandoned Cart
Request Only the Essential Information
Many online shoppers only want to initiate and complete the purchase process within the shortest time possible. Asking them to fill endless forms will only chase them away and discourage them from following through. Not only does it .
You can simplify your checkout process by not asking customers to fill in a lot of information and requesting only what you need to complete an order.
Add Security Features
One of the leading causes of shopping cart abandonment is a lack of trust in payment security. With the ecommerce space being marred by online criminals and leaks of confidential information, customers are very careful with who they share their data.
You need to assure your customers that their payment and personal details are secure. To do so, make sure that your website is PCI compliant and every checkout process has trust signals assuring customers that their information is secure.
Eliminate the Signup or Membership Requirement
Requiring customers to sign up or log in to their accounts is a great mistake in the ecommerce world. It only makes the process lengthier and causes many customers to abandon their carts.
In most cases, customers are not willing or interested in creating an account on your site, but they might be interested in logging in through their social media accounts. By allowing guest checkout, you will encourage more sales by making the process easier for everyone.
Add a Variety of Payment Options
A customer will normally look for their preferred mode of payment before completing a purchase. If the only payment option you offer on your site requires them to take additional steps, the customer is more likely to abandon the cart.
An easy way to fix this is to accept multiple payment options, or to make sure that customers can pay in a variety of ways such as through PayPal or Venmo.
Integrate a Progress Indicator
When a customer is filling out purchase details, they usually look for the progress they have made. It can be frustrating for the customer if there are too many steps or if he or she doesn’t know how much longer it will take to finish the payment process.
Providing a customer with a clear path that shows how much is left to completion will encourage them to follow through the entire process. An easy way is to add a three or four-step progress bar at the top of the page indicating where the customer is to complete the checkout.
Include an Order Summary
At the end of the checkout process, the most important part is letting the customer know what they are ordering. Not only does this provide complete transparency, but it also helps in building trust with the customer.
Therefore, they will be more willing to complete the purchase and order more from your business. A complete order summary also allows the customer to decide whether they are going to add an extra item or remove what they do not need at the moment.