Great content is neither free, nor easy to create, but in this article, I will discuss a comparatively easier yet highly effective way to create useful and engaging content using Linkedin groups.
We have already tried this technique at and have discussed this method with some Digital Marketing Experts who use Linkedin for marketing B2B businesses mainly, and it works too good.
This article will discuss the step by step guide to creating great content using Linkedin groups, a quick guide on promoting the content and details on how this highly useful and engaging content generates leads.
A- How to Create Great Content Using Linkedin Groups:
Step 1: Throw away the spamming thoughts and think about value creating.
Step 2: Create a list of questions that your potential customers can have about business/niche/industry or whatever you want to promote.
Step 3: Use Linkedin search and join groups that are highly relevant to your business only.
Step 4: Post your questions to these Linkedin Groups. It is a good idea to post same questions in multiple groups, as it helps to get more and more opinions.
Step 5: Make sure your questions are engaging for group members. Adding a brief description helps people identifying what actually you are asking. Do not forget to explicitly mention that you need their input.
Step 6: Normally it takes about 48 hours to one week for a question to get a good number of replies. Be patient and do not be hasty.
Step 7: Once, you have a good number of replies, go through all of them and filter based on usefulness.
Step 8: Get all these opinions together to sum them up as an article. Start with the introduction/problem/queries, then add all the opinions you received and close the article with your very own conclusion. Do mention the names and links to Linkedin profiles of all the participants whose contribution you are considering for inclusion.
Step 9: Now get some editorial help and finish the user generated content in attention seeking manner.
Step 10: Publish content on your blog.
B- How to Promote This User Generated Content on Linkedin:
Promoting B2B content is trickier than that of B2C, but when you have already involved so many people in the process of content creation, re-targeting them should work great.
Step 1: Post a reply on each discussion you created. Thank people for their participation and inform them that you have summed up the discussion here on this link (link to your website).
Step 2: To make sure they get your message, reply each individual privately. Of course, you should thank them personally for the time they took to provide feedback. Then you will tell them where you have mentioned them and close the message with the expectation of their future participation in your discussions.
Step 3: Post the article on same Linkedin groups with a brief description of how many people participated and how it helps others.
C- How This User Generated Content Helps Generating More Leads and Sales:
The more awareness created by content leads to trust which ultimately results as a lead. The above-discussed steps let you build trust, and chances are higher that people will spread the word about your business. After all, you have given value to their opinion and have published their opinion on your official website!
Make Sure that the landing page (the article page where you have posted all the opinions) has some more activity options, so the visitors stay more on your website. Some must have options are:
- More related content.
- Popular content/products.
- Promotional offers.
- Freebies
- Visible contact option.
Depending upon the industry and product, you can think of a whole lot of other options, but just be sure not to annoy the visitor with too much stuffing.