Every business that operates in the online world needs a website in order to do so. But the businesses that do not sell online should also have a business website at least, because the modern consumer does significant online research before visiting a store.
What’s more, every website requires a proper online address so that people can easily find it. That’s why a domain name is so important for your business. The fact of the matter is that a domain name is a vital component of your website address, which is why you must pick the right one, to begin with. That being said, you might believe that picking a domain name will be quite simple.
You’ll just decide on something catchy and be done with it. However, picking a domain name for your business isn’t that simple at all. In fact, there are around 1 billion active websites in the world today, which means that there’s a good chance that someone, somewhere is already using the domain name you’ve come up with. With that in mind, here are a few tips on how to choose the right domain name for your business.
1- Simplify it
If you decide to keep things simple when choosing a domain
name, you’ll definitely be on the right track. Complicating things just leads
to additional issues that could have been avoided, to begin with. As an
example, avoid numbers when picking a domain name. Numbers can indicate spam
websites and they might also cause confusion among consumers. Not just that, but
numbers can also confuse search engine algorithms, which is best avoided if you
plan on using SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in the future.
Another example is the hyphenated domain names. Although it may seem like there are
more domain names available if you include a dash in it, it’s still considered
a spam activity that results in loss of traffic, confusion, as well as a
negative impact on your online visibility. Therefore, keep things simple if you
want a proper domain name for your business.
2- Consider a branded domain
A branded domain name will positively reflect
your branded business. Having the same domain name as the name of your business
is a good way to gain recognition and visibility in the online world. What’s
more, a brand is generally unique, which means there’s a good chance that you
won’t have difficulties in choosing a domain name. In addition, your website will
grow alongside your business.
In other words, a branded domain name is a good decision for long-term business planning and development. You should consider a branded name for both your business and your website as early as possible. That way, you can avoid the inconvenience of having a domain name being already taken by the time you finish branding your business.
3- Get some help
If you’re having difficulties finding the right domain name
for your business, you should be aware that there’s always a solution to your
problems if you’re willing to seek it out. Getting some professional help with
choosing a domain name is nothing to be ashamed of.
As an example, if you have a reliable web
hosting service provider, you can consult with them on a domain
name. The fact of the matter is that various hosting providers also include
domain name choice in the list of their services. In addition, some providers
even have a list of domain names reserved for their clients. Therefore, the
easiest solution would be to check the list of domain names your hosting
provider has available before you decide to look any further.
4- Consider the domain extension
Another important factor in choosing
the right domain name is the domain extension, otherwise known as a top-level domain (TLD). A TLD comes in a form of
extensions, such as .com, .info, .me and so on. The most common and popular extension
is .com. Therefore, you won’t make a mistake if you go with that TLD. However,
undoubtedly you’ll come across cheap and catchy TLDs sooner or later.
In that case, you must be extra careful because some
extensions are considered as spam and your website will be flagged as such if
you have a shady extension to your domain name. With that in mind, consider
going with a reliable TLD or a location-based extension, such as .co.uk, .au or
any other country-related TLD for your business domain name.
The Bottom Line:
Choosing a domain name isn’t as simple as people believe it to be. Chances are that most of the names you come up with are already taken. Still, it’s important not to rush the decision because you’ll be stuck with your choice. That said, take your time to pick the right domain name for your business.