Are you looking to start your own finance firm? Perhaps you see it as an exciting career opportunity. For those serious about a doing business in accounting or bookkeeping, AAT short courses are a fantastic, cost-effective opportunity to both learn a new skill and get a qualification that can help you in business.
Moreover, if you are not considering a full-time business right now, and want to take a job for experience, the finance industry offers a vast wealth of job opportunities for those with the right qualifications.
Financial management is at the heart of every business, so the demand for accounting and finance skills is high across all sectors. Once qualified, you also have the option to work for yourself and set up your own accounting practice. This can be a highly rewarding career and you can charge your clients £40 an hour or more.
What is the AAT and how can they help me?
The AAT stands for “Association of Accounting Technicians” and they are one of the main professional bodies for people seeking employment in the Finance industry. AAT Qualifications are recognised by employers across the country as practical and technical qualifications that can help prepare students looking to work specifically in the fields of accountancy and finance.
An AAT qualification can open the door to a number of jobs in the financial sector including Clerical Assistant, Trainee Bookkeeper, Accounts Clerk and Finance Assistant roles.
What will I learn?
AAT courses in London help teach you the skills and essential knowledge to manage books effectively. A Foundation course can take around six months to complete and is ideal for people with no prior knowledge of the financial sector. In it you will learn a range of skills to help prepare you for junior/entry level accounting roles.
This includes things like double entry bookkeeping and how to use relevant accountant software such as Xero and Sage. If you already have experience in the financial sector then more advanced courses are also available which cover topics including final accounts preparation and Indirect tax.
Where can I find courses?
There are classroom based AAT courses being delivered all over the country. A simple search of the net will tell you where you can find the ones nearest to you. If you prefer to work in your own time there are also on-line courses that are available, just make sure any course you undertake has been AAT Approved. Almost all providers will advertise this on their website.