Millennials and G-Zers are becoming increasingly eco-conscious.
The construction industry is looking for more sustainable solutions to, previously, environmentally damaging processes. Technology is at the heart of these new eco-friendly strategies.
How to Make Your Business More Sustainable with Air Compressors
Air compressing technology focuses on efficiency and sustainability. Water, electricity, and natural gas are frequently discussed in manufacturing conversations concerning sustainability.
However, compressed air is often overlooked during this conversation. Pneumatics, such as air compressors and air pumps, use air to drive automation equipment.
Poorly designed and maintained air compressors account for up to $3.2 billion in wasted energy costs. Manufacturers approach compressed air systems with caution because of their bad reputation, concerning efficiency and sustainability. Even the most efficient compression systems only convert 10-15% of operating energy into energy stored as compressed air. Between air leaks, flow restrictions, and other issues, the energy wasted does add up.
Improvements have been made to the air compression industry through smart air technology and sophisticated controls that optimize production processes and energy efficiency.
Compressors are now integrated with variable speed drives and oil-free units which generate clean air and electrification, for mobile equipment markets.
With regular reviews and the right maintenance, air compression systems can save you time, money, and energy.
Tips for ensuring efficient compressed air management
Manufactures offer leak-detection services and monitoring equipment to help you identify any issues with your system.
Reduce your energy requirements by regularly evaluating leaks and getting them fixed quickly.
If your system runs 65% capacity or less, invest in a smaller and more efficient unit to lower your energy payments. Another way to save energy is to turn off your air compressor on evenings and weekends. This can reduce your energy bills by up to 20%!
Use a variable speed drive compressor for higher efficiency. This machine will blow excess air into the atmosphere and run unloaded without producing any compressed air.
Make sure to measure the system’s energy consumption, flow rate, operating pressure, and any pressure drops in the components. Give this data to a professional so they can optimize your operating pressures and make any control adjustments to save you money.
Heat has value, and it can be recovered. Air compressors discharge hot air, and this can be used as supplemental heating in the cooler seasons. Opt for a water-cooled compressor to recover more energy. Built-in energy recovery systems circulate cooling water through compression elements and generate hot water. This can be used for space heating, hot showers, and much more!
Finally, use your machine as directed. Misusing your machine can cost you massive amounts of energy. For example, when compressed air is used for cooling, other applications are required to lower the air pressure. This can shorten the life span and efficiency of the device!
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