You are 30, non-techie and have no programming background but still you are extremely interested in learning programming! The only question you have in mind is “How and where to start”?
Well, Hacksaw Academy should better answer this big question as well as many others as they pop up in your mind. It’s a platform for non-technical students, junior software developers, tech workers and all other people interested in tech to learn programming in simple yet effective way.
Hacksaw Academy has developed an easy to follow path that enables you to build useful and functional apps online. Each project is split into 30 minute sprints; making you learn more practically. This learning mode is not just rewarding, but also goes well with today’s high speed lifestyle.
Sign up for the Landing Page Project and start learning the basics of programming; stop the project at any point and Hacksaw will automagically save your progress. Once you’re done with the first project, share your work with friends, co-workers and even potential employers!
Next step is to enroll for the Portfolio Project which will let you access all Hacksaw Academy projects!
A must try for students as well as all those non-techies who want to get hands on programming!
Hacksaw Academy in Their Own Words:
Instead of using generic examples to teach programming, we’ve developed an easy to follow path enabling you to build useful and functional apps online. Each of these projects is split into 30 minute sprints and released monthly.
Programming is seen as witchcraft to many people who otherwise would benefit greatly from understanding – even at a basic level. People wanting to start companies can’t prototype, and people looking to move more into development need somewhere to turn with tangible results. Hacksaw is focused on helping motivated people build a portfolio of useful projects.
What Brings Hacksaw Academy to the Spotlight:
Fully interactive platform divided into bite size programming tutorials.
Hacksaw Academy Website: