Now that everyone is a part of at least one major social network. i.e. Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest etc. and each of the network has millions of users too, an enormous numbers of users is using specialized social networks and the number is increasing every day.
Social media brought a digital revolution, but now we have reached a point in general social networking where finding valuable information is a tough task. This is probably the major reason for people to shift towards specialized social networking and various specialized social networks are coming into existence.
Grewpler is one such specialized social network that provides users with social tools and features to discover, share, learn valuable information and connect with other users who share similar interests, globally.
Grewpler’s main features; Trace, Fame, Star, Nova Star, and Primary Interest Ranking push users to post something of value to the other users. It further adds a competitive environment for users so they share the highly useful information only. This is done by a ranking system whereby, users gain points and increase their ranking on the primary interest.
Using Grewpler can benefit professionals specifically as:
- Increased productivity
- Improved efficiency
- Generating and nurturing ideas
- Better online research
While Grewpler and other specialized social networks may not get hundreds of millions of active users, but the true value that they create is the strength of the community built around very specific interests.
Do check it out and find some highest quality content that can actually help you learn something new!
Grewpler in Their Own Words:
Grewpler is an interest based simple social networking site that allows users to post pictures, documents, videos, and articles on information that is knowledgeable, entertaining, and interesting pertaining to their interest. Grewpler helps users find relevant content based on their interests, as well as help users find people from different parts of the world that either are professionals, students, experts, celebrities, or anyone who have similar interests to them.
What Brings Grewpler to the Spotlight:
Too many general social networks are making it difficult for professionals to find pure, rich & knowledgeable content; Grewpler by bridging the gap provides an opportunity to share quality knowledge conveniently and socially.
Grewpler Website: