Vegetables are an essential part of a balanced diet, whether you are an adult or a child. However, children are fussier about their food and prefer anything other than veggies. Making your little one eats vegetables can be very challenging for parents.
From mixing veggies with dishes they like to the multiple storytelling sessions to win them over, nothing seems to work. Unlike parents, kids are unaware of the numerous benefits of veggies for their health.
As their taste buds approve of sugary and unhealthy foods, they are more inclined to eat them rather than veggies. Regardless of how difficult it may be, it is critical to incorporate veggies into your child’s diet.
Why Is It So Important for Kids to Eat Vegetables?
Veggies are rich in all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and phytonutrients that your body needs for good health maintenance. Vegetables, like their multiple colors, offer a variety of health benefits. as well.
Leafy green vegetables are a rich source of iron and calcium, whereas carrots are abundant in vitamin A, making them ideal for your vision health. Along with that, vegetables help in the growth and development of kids and strengthen their immune systems. They can prevent your child from chronic diseases in the future, as well as now.
The high fiber content in veggies may solve many of their digestive problems such as constipation. This is a good source to refer to the many other advantages of vegetables for your child’s health.
Tips to Make Your Kid Eat More Veggies
According to research, young children should consume 1-2 cups of vegetables daily. Although, the exact number depends on their age and activity levels. Making a kid eat a good portion of veggies is not a simple task, which is why we have compiled a few tips to help you out.
Never Give up
It is natural for your kid to refuse to eat veggies for the first few times, or perhaps more. After making several attempts, you may feel discouraged. The best advice anyone can give you is to stay consistent.
It is your responsibility to include vegetables in your child’s meal and make it healthier, even if they refuse to eat. Usually, it takes about ten times for kids to accept a new food. Gradually introduce them to veggies, and they will eventually enjoy eating them. You can add veggies as a side dish with healthy foods that your child enjoys, or you can mix them up with their favorite foods. Keep trying and expose them to veggies until they accept it.
Encourage and Praise Your Child
The refusals from your kid can make you feel frustrated, which is understandable. Pushing them to eat veggies will only promote negative feelings. You want to build a friendly relationship for your child with vegetables, but forcing them may make them avoid these healthy treats. When your kid expresses their dislike for veggies, don’t act disappointed.
You have plenty of opportunities to expose them to veggies; simply try again at the next meal. On the other hand, when they eat vegetables or even take a few bites, don’t forget to praise them. Your appreciation will make them consume more veggies.
Explain the Benefits of Vegetables on Your Child
Toddlers and school-aged kids are filled with curiosity. You may be aware of the various advantages of veggies, but does your child know? As kids get older, they want to learn everything about the world around them.
You can use their intrigued mind by letting them know about how vegetables can improve their health. For instance, discuss how carrots can improve their vision and save them from wearing glasses.
Set Examples for Your Child
Kids are excellent observers. They absorb what they see, especially from their parents and family members. Adding a bunch of veggies to your plate can encourage your child to eat vegetables, as well.
When they see you enjoying your meal, they would probably want to try it. Apart from your everyday meals, you can organize family dinners that include serving vegetables to everyone. Eating the same meal together can help your kid to accept and become accustomed to veggies.
Cook the Vegetables They Like
Children don’t dislike all veggies. They prefer vegetables that are slightly sweet rather than those with a strong taste. Your kid may have a few exceptions, too. It is best to feed them a wide variety of vegetables, but serving them the ones they enjoy is considered a good start.
Some of the most common vegetables that kids enjoy include sweet potatoes, mushrooms, carrots, bell peppers, and so on.
Some kids don’t mind eating vegetables, while others refuse to touch them. It is important to make your child eat veggies, as it will make them follow a healthy diet in the future, as well.
Developing healthy eating habits from childhood can protect kids from facing health problems later in life; this opinion is also highly recommended by experts at the journal HealthCanal. Include plenty of veggies in your child’s diet and you will soon notice the positive changes in their health.
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